The mapping module is a self-registering server that creates the appropriate entry in the Posting Acceptor’s mapping modules registry during registration. You have the option to accept the default mapping module or create other modules to suit your needs. For more information about mapping modules, see "Mapping Modules" in the "Background Functions" section of this document.
A mapping module must be an in-process server that supports the IMapper interface defined as follows:
const IID IID_IMapper = \
This interface supports one additional method besides the standard ones:
/* in */ LPCTSTR szUrl, // Destination URL ("TargetURL"variable)
/* in */ LPCTSTR szUsername, // User uploading files
/* out */ LPSTR szDestination, // Physical disk location buffer
/* in */ DWORD dwDestinationLength); // Length of the buffer
(For the acceptor, the length of the buffer will always be MAX_PATH.)
You can enable or disable a mapping module by setting its value in the registry to 1 (enable) or 0 (disable).