Content Analyzer uses the WebMap to generate a comprehensive set of HTML-formatted reports for site evaluation and problem resolution. You can use the generated reports to analyze which resources have changed, check for broken links, and see a hierarchical view of the Web site resources. The reports are hyperlinked HTML pages, which you can view and print through your browser.
Not only are Content Analyzer's reports linked to each other, but they are also hot linked to the site resources. Once you find a page or other map object you want to examine, you can jump directly to it.
Choose from the following list for information on a specific report.
The Site Summary Report gives you a detailed overview of your entire site.
To see detailed reports for each aspect of your site--for example, pages, inlinks, and errors--click the hyperlinks at the top of the Summary Report. You can also see reports for each object type by clicking the hyperlinks in the Type column under Object Statistics.
The Hierarchy Report shows you the basic structure of your site in a tree-like, outline form. Each resource is shown with its URL (and TITLE, ALT string, or any other appropriate label) and a graphical representation (icon). When you click the URL (or TITLE or ALT string), you jump to that page or image in your browser. If you click on the icon for a resource, you jump to a detailed report about that resource.
This report shows the objects in a hierarchical view, which represents the relationships between the objects. Objects that are children of parent objects--such as an image on a page--are indented beneath their parent page.
Each object is shown with its full URL. If a TITLE tag, ALT string, or other labeling attribute exists for an object, it is shown as well. You can click any of the hyperlinks to go directly to that object in your browser.
The Explored Onsite Page Report gives you a page status summary, as well as detailed information about the pages in your site.
Page Status Summary: Shows the total number of discovered pages (onsite and offsite) in bold, and the total number of explored pages in the OK line. Often, these two numbers are different because when Content Analyzer explores a specific number of pages, it can discover many more links off of those pages, but it will only explore the number of pages you specify (up to 150 maximum in Standard Edition).
Shows the error status of pages and the links between pages, categorized by onsite and offsite.
Detailed Page Information: Shows details about each page in the site.
The Images Report gives you an image status summary, as well as detailed information about the images in your site:
Image Status Summary: Shows the error status of images and links between images, broken down by onsite and offsite.
Detailed Image Information: Shows details about each image in the site.
The Media Report gives you a media status summary, as well as detailed information about the different media in your site. Media can include text, audio, and video files in your Web site. The World Wide Web is a form of multimedia.
Media Status Summary: Shows the error status of any media in the site and links between the media, broken down by onsite and offsite.
Detailed Media Information: Shows individual details about each type of media in the site. The report groups media of the same type together.
The Gateway Report gives you a gateway status summary, as well as detailed information about the different gateways in your site:
Gateway Status Summary: Shows the error status of any gateway in the site and links between the gateways, broken down by onsite and offsite.
Detailed Gateway Information: Shows individual details about each gateway in the site.
The Internet service Report gives you an Internet service status summary, as well as detailed information about the different Internet services in your site. Internet services include Gopher, Telnet, WAIS, and so on.
Internet Service Status Summary: Shows the error status of any Internet service in the site and links between the Internet service, broken down by onsite and offsite.
Detailed Internet Service Information: Shows individual details about each type of Internet service in the site. The report groups Internet services of the same type together.
The Error Report shows all the links to unreachable objects in your site. The report groups together errors of the same type (such as 404 Not Found errors) by object (such as pages).
The unreachable object is shown to the left. Indented beneath it is the page (shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL) that references the unreachable object.
Depending on the nature of the error, you may be able to click the hyperlink for the unreachable object and have it appear in your browser. If the object is still unreachable, you'll see a message in your browser indicating what the problem is. You can click the hyperlink of the referencing page to see that page in your browser.
The Duplicates Report lists any objects that have exact duplicates in the site. Duplicate objects have identical names and sizes. Duplicate objects are unnecessary because they take up space in the site; it's more efficient to create links to one object than to sprinkle copies of the object throughout the site.
The duplicate objects are shown with an icon, indicating the type of object, as well as the full URL. You can click any of the hyperlinks to go directly to that object in your browser.
The Offsite Links Report shows you all the offsite resources in your site, relative to the home page you mapped. The report gives you a total number of offsite links and groups together offsite objects of the same type.
The InLinks Report shows you a summary of the number of inlinks in the site, broken down by object type. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another object in the site.
The Unexplored Objects Report lists the objects in the map that Content Analyzer did not explore, but did discover. The objects are grouped by object type. Content Analyzer didn't explore the objects because either you limited the number of pages and levels to explore when you mapped the site or because the object is offsite. (Offsite objects are not automatically explored.)
In Standard Edition, Content Analyzer does not explore beyond 250 pages and does not explore offsite objects at all.
The Page Index Report shows you an alphabetical list of all the pages mapped in the site. Alphabetical ruler lines separate each group of pages by letter--click one of the hyperlinked letters in a ruler to go to that section of the alphabet. The pages are listed by their TITLE tag; you can click the hyperlink to go directly to that page in your browser.
You can also click the icon to the left of each page title; this action takes you to the Explored Onsite Page Report for that page.
When you compare two WebMaps of a site, Content Analyzer generates a Comparison Summary Report, which gives you a detailed synopsis of the new, changed, and orphaned objects in the site. This report is only available when you compare two maps and generate reports.
The What's New Report gives you detailed information about new objects that have been added to your site. This report is only available from the Comparison Summary Report.
In the What's New Report, pages are grouped together. All other object types are grouped as one category.
The What's Changed Report gives you detailed information about objects in the site that have changed since the time the site was originally mapped. This report is only available from the Comparison Summary Report.
In the What's Changed Report, pages are grouped together. All other object types are grouped as one category.
The Unreferenced Objects Report gives you detailed information about objects in the site that no longer have references to them in the site (orphans). This report is only available from the Comparison Summary Report.
In the Unreferenced Objects Report, pages are grouped together. All other object types are grouped as one category.
The Link Report gives you detailed information about the links on individual pages. This report is only available by clicking a hyperlink in the Links on Page column from the Explored Onsite Pages Report.
The Link Report lists each parent page by full URL and TITLE tag and gives the total number of links on that particular page. Click the hyperlink for the parent page to go directly to that page in your browser.
The objects linked to the page appear beneath it. Each object is shown with full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink text for any object to go directly to that object in your browser.
The Broken Link Report gives you detailed information about broken links on individual pages. This report is only available by clicking a hyperlink in the Broken Links column from the Explored Onsite Pages Report.
The Broken Link Report lists each page with broken links by full URL and TITLE tag. Click the hyperlink for the page to go directly to that page in your browser.
The broken link is listed beneath its page and is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. If you click the hyperlink for the broken link, you'll most likely get an error message in your browser.
The InLinks to Pages Report gives you detailed information about the inlinks that point to individual pages in your site. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another page in the site. This report is available only by clicking a number in the Inlinks column in the Explored Onsite Pages Report, or by clicking the Pages hyperlink in the InLinks Report.
The InLinks to Pages Report lists each page being referenced (pointed to) with its full URL, TITLE tag, and number of inlinks for the page. Click the hyperlink for the page to go directly to that page in your browser.
Each inlink for a page is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink for the inlink to directly to that object in your browser.
The InLinks to Images Report gives you detailed information about the inlinks that point to individual images. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another page in the site. This report is available only by clicking a number in the Inlinks column in the Images Report, or by clicking the Images hyperlink in the InLinks Report.
The InLinks to Images Report lists each image being referenced (pointed to) with its full URL, ALT string or hyperlink text, and number of inlinks for the image. Click the hyperlink for the image to see the image in your browser.
Each inlink for an image is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink for the inlink to directly to that object in your browser.
The InLinks to Media Report gives you detailed information about the inlinks that point to individual media. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another page in the site. This report is available only by clicking a number in the Inlinks column in the Media Report, or by clicking the Media hyperlink in the InLinks Report.
The InLinks to Media Report lists each media object being referenced (pointed to) with its full URL and hyperlink text, and, if more than one, the number of inlinks for the media. Click the hyperlink for the media object to go to that media in your browser. (You may need to configure a helper application in your browser to access the media.)
Each inlink for a media object is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink for the inlink to directly to that object in your browser.
The InLinks to Gateways Report gives you detailed information about the inlinks that point to individual gateways. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another page in the site. This report is available only by clicking a number in the Inlinks column in the Gateways Report, or by clicking the Gateways hyperlink in the InLinks Report.
The InLinks to Gateways Report lists each gateway being referenced (pointed to) with its full URL and the number of inlinks for the gateway. Click the hyperlink for the gateway to access it in your browser.
Each inlink for an image is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink for the inlink to directly to that object in your browser.
The InLinks to Internet Services Report gives you detailed information about the inlinks that point to individual Internet services. An inlink is a link that points into a selected object from another page in the site. This report is available only by clicking a number in the Inlinks column in the Internet Services Report, or by clicking the Internet Services hyperlink in the InLinks Report.
The InLinks to Internet Services Report lists each Internet service being referenced (pointed to) with its full URL, hyperlink text, and the number of inlinks for the service. Click the hyperlink for the image to access the service in your browser.
Each inlink for an Internet service is shown with its full URL, hyperlink text, and link URL. Click the hyperlink for the inlink to directly to that object in your browser.
The Publishable Page Index shows you an alphabetical list of all the pages mapped in the site. Alphabetical ruler lines separate each group of pages by letter--click one of the hyperlinked letters in a ruler to go to that section of the alphabet. The pages are listed by their TITLE tag; you can click the hyperlink to go directly to that page in your browser.
Before you publish this index, you can delete the top section of this report (the hyperlinks for the other reports and the title of the report).