Using the Java Sample Bank Components ------------------------------------- The Java Sample Bank components are automatically configured by MTS Setup and require no additional steps in order to run them. If you want to recompile the Java Sample Bank components, follow these steps: 1. Run the SetJavaDev.bat file located in the \mts\Samples\Account.VJ folder. Javatlb.exe must be in your path for this batch file to run properly. 2. Recompile your Java component implementation classes. 3. After you recompile the component classes, use the mkdll.bat file located in the \mts\Samples\Account.VJ folder to generate and register vjacct.dll. Exegen.exe must be in your path for this batch file to run properly. You can also add running mkdll.bat as a build step to your Visual J++ project to simplify recompiling. 4. Using the MTS Explorer, import the new components into the Sample Bank package.