This section describes the hardware and software requirements for installing MTS, discusses other setup considerations, and describes MTS support on Alpha platforms.
You can install MTS on your computer by:
MTS runs on Windows NT and WindowsÒ 95 with DCOM support.
To install MTS without other Option Pack components:
Note that choosing the Development Option also installs the Data Access components.
Before you install Microsoft Transaction Server, make sure that your computer meets the following minimum requirements:
You can run MTS setup unattended using the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack setup. Before you run setup unattended, modify the setup file with your setup selections. The unattended setup file (unattend.txt) is located in your \MTS directory.
To run setup unattended, click the Start button, select Run and type the following:
setup /u:unattend.txt.
MTS software requirements include:
Setup library mtssetup.dll could not be loaded or the function MTSSetupProc could not be found.
You can install DCOM support for Windows 95 from Note that DCOM support for Windows 95 is installed by Internet Explorer 4.0.
If you uninstall MTS on a Windows 95 computer, do not uninstall DCOM support for Windows 95. The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC), which is installed but not removed by the MTS setup program, requires DCOM support on Windows 95.
Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack installs Advanced Data Connector (ADC) version 1.5. The ADC 1.5 client only works with the Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0. The ADC 1.5 client will not work with any version of Internet Explorer before IE 4.0.
For users of the MTS Adventure Works sample application, check for an updated ADC 1.1 client that will work with Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later. You will need to recompile the MTS Adventure Works sample to set a reference to the new ADC 1.5 recordset library (Msador15.dll).
If you install both SQL Server and MTS, you must install SQL Server first. If you later reinstall SQL Server, you must then reinstall MTS. This limitation will be eliminated in a future release of SQL Server.
To install MTS 1.0 on a computer with MTS 2.0 installed, you must remove the following files from your system directory before running MTS 1.0 setup:
If you are using a previous version of MTS and would like to retain your user-defined packages, do not use the Uninstall option in the setup program or the Add/Remove Programs service icon in the Control Panel. Uninstalling MTS results in the removal of all user-defined packages. To preserve user-defined packages when upgrading, install MTS over your existing version of MTS.
If you incorrectly specify a password for the System Package Identity on setup, the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer will not run. You will get a 80008005 error (server exec failure) back from the catalog server (System package). To fix a bad system password, reinstall Microsoft Transaction Server.
In addition, if you incorrectly specify the password on a System Package Identity, the package wonÆt run. You will get the same 80008005 error. But this time, the client will see this failure HRESULT on a CoCreateInstance or equivalent. To fix this, go back to the Explorer and adjust the package's identity (through the package's Identity tab). User IDs are verified, but passwords are not because of security restrictions in Windows NT.
MTS is supported on Alpha AXPÖ computers. However, this release of Microsoft Transaction Server for Alpha platforms does not include the following:
You can find sample Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Basic components as well as the administrative sample scripts in the \Samples folder.
For the latest information on Alpha platform support, see
To validate your MTS installation on Alpha platforms, you can run the Sample Bank application using two computers, an Alpha computer (as a server), and an X86 computer (as a client). See the Setting Up the MTS Sample Bank Application topic for more details.