MTS Administration Objects

The following scriptable objects are used for administration:

Catalog Object

CatalogObject Object

CatalogCollection Object

PackageUtil Object

ComponentUtil Object

RemoteComponentUtil Object

RoleAssociationUtil Object

These scriptable objects provide general and utility interfaces for your different scripting needs. The Catalog, CatalogObject, and CatalogCollection objects comprise the catalog collection object layer, and provide top-level functionality such as creating and modifying objects. The Catalog object enables you to connect to specific servers and access collections. Call the CatalogCollection object to enumerate, create, delete, and modify objects, as well as to access related collections. The CatalogObject object is used to get and set properties on an object.

In the catalog utility object layer, the PackageUtil, ComponentUtil, RemoteComponentUtil, and RoleAssociationUtil objects enable more specific task automation, such as installing components and exporting packages. This utility layer allows you to program very specific tasks for collection types, such as associating a role with a user or class of users.

The following diagram illustrates how your configuration program uses methods on the administrative objects to read and write data to the catalog.

To learn how to obtain the administrative samples and reference documentation, see the Installing MTS Development Samples and Documentation topic.

See Also

MTS Administrative Reference

See Also

MTS Administration Objects, Using MTS Collection Types, MTS Administration Object Methods

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