MTS Documentation Roadmap

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) contains documentation that helps you learn how to design, build, deploy, and administer MTS applications.

Book Description
Setting Up MTS Describes how to set up MTS and MTS components, including instructions for accessing Oracle databases from MTS application and installing MTS sample applications.
Getting Started with MTS Provides an overview of the new features in MTS, gives a brief tour of the documentation, and contains a glossary of terms.
Quick Tour of MTS Provides an overview of MTS.
MTS Administrator's Guide
Roadmap to the MTS AdministratorÆs Guide Describes the different ways to use the MTS Explorer to deploy and administer applications, and gives an overview of the MTS Explorer graphical interface.
Creating MTS Packages Provides task-oriented documentation for creating and assembling MTS packages.
Distributing MTS Packages Provides task-oriented documentation for distributing MTS packages.
Installing MTS Packages Provides task-oriented documentation for installing and configuring MTS packages.
Maintaining MTS Packages Provides task-oriented information for maintaining and monitoring MTS packages.
Managing MTS Transactions Describes distributed transactions and the management of transactions using the MTS Explorer.
Automating MTS Administration Provides a conceptual overview, procedures, and sample code explaining how to use the MTS scriptable objects to automate procedures in the MTS Explorer.
MTS Programmer's Guide
Overview and Concepts Provides an overview of the product and how the product components work together, explains how MTS addresses the needs of client/server developers and system administrators, and provides in-depth coverage of programming concepts for MTS components.
Building Applications for MTS Provides task-oriented information for developing ActiveXÖ components for MTS.
MTS Administrative Reference Provides a reference for using the MTS scriptable objects to automate procedures in the MTS Explorer.
MTS Reference Provides a reference for the MTS application programming interface (API).
MTS Administrative Reference Provides a reference for using the MTS scriptable objects to automate procedures in the MTS Explorer.

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