Exporting MTS Packages

Exporting packages allows you to copy a package from one MTS computer to another. For example, you can use the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer to export a package from a server on which the package was developed to another MTS server for testing.

To export a package:

  1. Select the package you want to export in the left pane of the Explorer.

  2. On the Action menu, click Export. You can also right-click and select the Export option.

  3. In the Export Package dialog box, enter or browse for the package file to create. The component files will be copied to the same directory as the package file.

  4. If you want to include any roles that you have identified for the package, click the Save Windows NT user ids associated with roles checkbox.

  5. Click Export.

When you export a package, Microsoft Transaction Server creates a package file (with the .pak extension) containing information about the components and roles (if any) included in the original package, and copies the associated component files (dynamic-link libraries (DLL), type libraries, and any proxy/stub DLLs) to the same directory in which the package file was created. Only component DLLs are copied. Package locks against changes or deleting will be exported with the package.

Important If a component's class ID (CLSID), type library identifier (TypeLibId), or interface identifier (IID) change after you have exported a package, you must export the package again.

See Also

Building an MTS package for Export, Locking Your MTS Package, Mapping MTS Roles to Users and Groups

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