Package properties determine package configuration. To access these property sheets, right-click the package in the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer, or select the package and choose the Properties option from the Action menu.
There are five package property sheets:
Displays the name and description the computer.
Enables authorization checking. The default security setting enables authorization checking. See the Enabling MTS Package Security topic for more information.
Determines whether the server process associated with a package always runs, or whether it shuts down after a certain period of time.
Used to set which user is allowed to access a package. The default value is Interactive User, which is the user that is currently logged on to the Windows NT server account. If you want to select another user, you can select the This user option and specify an account name and password.
Used to set the activation level for the package and its components. You can either set the activation level to Library Package so components are activated in the creatorÆs process, or to Server Package so that the package runs in a dedicated server process.
See the Setting MTS Activation Properties topic for more information.
To modify package or component properties, you must use property sheets.
To access property sheets:
It is important to refresh the MTS settings for components each time you recompile your project. Refreshing component settings prevents your component registry settings from being rewritten.
To refresh your component settings
The Refresh All Components command works if any item below a computer in the MTS Explorer hierarchy has been selected. The command will apply to the selected computer.
See Also
Setting MTS Activation Properties, Setting MTS Transaction Properties, Setting MTS Authentication Levels, Locking Your MTS Package