Reinstalling MSMQ
You can reinstall MSMQ dependent clients, independent clients, and servers by running Setup from the Start menu. You can either add or remove a component (for example, the MSMQ SDK or administration tools), or simply reinstall all files. Reinstalling MSMQ does not affect your MSMQ settings or your Windows registry (unless the change is related to the addition or removal of an MSMQ component). You must close all MSMQ-based applications before reinstalling MSMQ. To reinstall MS DTC, Setup must stop the MSDTC and MSSQLServer services. Setup restarts these services after reinstalling MSMQ.
If you want to install a different MSMQ computer type (dependent client, independent client, or server) than you currently have installed, it is best to first remove your existing MSMQ installation.
When you reinstall an MSMQ controller server, Setup preserves the existing database and does not remove the local private queues from the computer's registry.
Note If you installed the limited version of SQL Server 6.5, MSMQ Setup does not reinstall it when you reinstall MSMQ. To reinstall the limited version of SQL Server 6.5, run SQL Server Setup.
To reinstall all MSMQ files
- Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Message Queue, and then click Setup.
- Click Reinstall.
3. If either the MSDTC or the MSSQLServer service is running, the Stop Running Services? dialog box appears. click Yes to continue installing MSMQ. if it is unacceptable to stop these services, click No and install MSMQ later.
Setup restarts these services after reinstalling MSMQ.
To add or remove MSMQ components
- Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Message Queue, and then click Setup.
- Click Add/Remove.
3. Select the check boxes of those components you want to add. clear the check boxes of those components you want to remove. to add or remove specific platform support provided by the installation share on MSMQ servers, select the Installation Share check box and then click Change Option.
- Click Continue.
- If either the MSDTC or the MSSQLServer service is running, the Stop Running Services? dialog box appears. click Yes to continue installing MSMQ. if it is unacceptable to stop these services, click No and install MSMQ later.
Setup restarts these services after reinstalling MSMQ.
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