Before installing MSMQ you must first determine your enterprise design (number of sites, number of MSMQ routing servers, and whether or not you are going to install BSCs for each site), and the hardware requirements for each server. You must also consider your enterprise's integration with Windows NT security. For small organizations with simple network topology and configuration, these choices are fairly simple. For a large organization with complex network topology and connectivity issues, these choices are more difficult. For more information on these issues, see Chapter 5, "Securing Your MSMQ Enterprise," and Chapter 6, "Deploying MSMQ."
After you plan your MSMQ enterprise network and determine individual server hardware requirements you are ready to:
When you install a PEC you specify the enterprise name and site name. When you install a PSC, you specify the site name, define site links, and define CNs.
When you install an MSMQ server, you can have the MSMQ installation files copied to a folder called Install (typically C:\program files\msmq\install).
Note The PEC or site PSC must be online when you install other MSMQ dependent clients, independent clients, or servers.