The PROPID_M_DELIVERY property specifies how the message is delivered.
When the message's delivery mechanism is set to MQMSG_DELIVERY_EXPRESS, the message has faster throughput. When set to MQMSG_DELIVERY_RECOVERABLE, throughput may be slower, but MSMQ guarantees that the message will be delivered, even if a computer crashes while the message is en-route to the queue.
MSMQ always sets the delivery property of transactional messages to MQMSG_DELIVERY_RECOVERABLE. For information on transactions, see MSMQ Transactions.
To see how a message will be delivered, pass PROPID_M_DELIVERY to MQSendMessage.
To determine how a message was delivered, pass PROPID_M_DELIVERY to MQReceiveMessage and examine its returned value. When passing PROPID_M_DELIVERY to MQReceiveMessage, the corresponding VT field in the aPropVar array can be set to VT_NULL.