Connector Application Responsibilities
The MSMQ connector server should be transparent to the applications running on MSMQ computers. The connector application running on the server, must be able to:
Handle the time-to-be-received timer. The time-to-reach-queue timer stops when the message reaches the connector queues.
Handle the acknowledgment level of messages. The connector must return the appropriate acknowledgment messages to the appropriate administration queue according to the message properties.
When the connector application creates an acknowledgment message, it must set the PROPID_M_CLASS and PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE properties when it sends the acknowledgment back to the sending application.
Complete any pending transaction status for transacted messages. For information on transactions with foreign queues, see Using the MSMQ Connector in a Transaction.
Handle security issues appropriately. See Connector Application Security for information on handling encrypted messages and authenticating messages.
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