This topic contains examples of how to set up a query to take advantage of hit highlighting and some sample files and path names.
Putting together the information in the previous sections, suppose you want search for the author of a document greater than 100 bytes, and the author’s name is George. To do that, send the following query:
@DocAuthor = George AND @size > 100
You want to aim your query at this document:
To choose default formatting, refer to a virtual directory with Execute or Script permission:
Before the query string can be passed to Webhits, it must be escaped, resulting in:
Now, to hit-highlight the document, issue the following command:
http://MyServer/Path/Null.htw?CiWebhitsFile=\vpath\Docs\Ideas.doc & CiRestriction=@DocAuthor%20%3D%20George%20AND%20@size%20%3E%20100
Note Neither @size nor @DocAuthor are custom properties, so you do not need to specify an .idq file in this case.
For examples of how to effectively use hit highlighting, see the following files: