Registry Entries for Microsoft NNTP Service
This section contains the registry path for Microsoft NNTP Service and an alphabetical list of the service-specific registry entries.
Global registry entries and all other service-specific entries are documented in Registry in the AdministratorÆs Reference in the IIS documentation.
Note For a registry change to take effect, you must restart the service.
Registry Path
Registry Entries Listing
Microsoft NNTP Service maintains the registry entries listed below.
ArticleTimeLimit |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 4 (weeks) |
This value sets a limit on the age of the articles that will be accepted from a client or peer. If the date of the article is greater than this number, the article will be rejected. |
EnableNntpPostingHost |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 1 |
If this value is nonzero, all postings will be stamped with the NNTP Posting Host header. The Posting Host header contains the news client's or peer's domain name (the result of a Reverse DNS Lookup); this enables the detection of spoof postings. |
GenerateErrFiles |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 0 |
The default is not to generate .err files. If this value is nonzero, the server will generate .err files for all failed postings. The files are copies of news articles and are stored in the INetPub\NntpFile\Root\_Temp.files_ directory. |
HistoryExpiration |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 60*60*24*4 (seconds) |
This value sets the interval in seconds that an article's Message ID is allowed to exist in the History table. |
HonorApprovedHeader |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: Nonzero |
Nonzero values indicate that in order to post, the server will require the name of the newsgroup moderator in the Approved header on moderated postings. If this value is zero, the server will honor all Approved headers on moderated postings, regardless of content of the header. |
HonorClientMessageIDs |
Datatype: REG_BOOL |
Default: True |
The default of True configures Microsoft NNTP Service to use client-provided Message IDs, if they are available. If they are not available, the server stamps its own Message ID. If this value is False, the server will stamp its own Message ID whether or not the client provides one. In this case, clients might repeatedly post the same article. |
MailFromHeader |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 0 |
This value is used for moderated postings. It configures the From header from the envelope of the message that is mailed to the moderator. Values are as follows:
0: The header will be left blank. 1: The header will use the address of the news server administrator. 2: The header will use the From header from the contents of the message.
NewsCrawlerTime |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 30 (minutes) |
This value sets the frequency in minutes of the expire cycle. At the end of each expire cycle, the server searches for outdated articles and discards them. Expiration policies are set in the General (Expiration Policy) property sheet. |
NumExpireThreads |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 4 |
This value sets the number of expire threads used by the server. |
ShutdownLatency |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 2 (minutes) |
This value sets the upper limit on the time spent by Microsoft NNTP Service cleaning up during shutdown. When you attempt to stop the service, you might receive a message that indicates the service cannot be stopped. If so, the ShutdownLatency value should be increased. |
StartupLatency |
Datatype: REG_DWORD |
Default: 2 (minutes) |
This value sets the upper limit on the time that the Microsoft NNTP Service will wait for an instance to start. |
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