You can search for any word or phrase on a Web site by typing the word or phrase into a query form and clicking the button to execute the query (for example, the Execute Query button on the sample query form). This section covers the following topics:
Searches produce a list of files that contain the word or phrase no matter where they appear in the text. This list gives the rules for formulating queries:
Consecutive words are treated as a phrase; they must appear in the same order within a matching document.
Queries are case-insensitive, so you can type your query in uppercase or lowercase.
You can search for any word except for those in the exception list (for English, this includes a, an, and, as, and other common words), which are ignored during a search.
Words in the exception list are treated as placeholders in phrase and proximity queries. For example, if you searched for “Word for Windows”, the results could give you “Word for Windows” and “Word and Windows”, because for is a noise word and appears in the exception list.
Punctuation marks such as the period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), and comma (,) are ignored during a search.
To use specially treated characters such as &, |, ^, #, @, $, (, ), in a query, enclose your query in quotation marks (“).
To search for a word or phrase containing quotation marks, enclose the entire phrase in quotation marks and then double the quotation marks around the word or words you want to surround with quotes. For example, “World-Wide Web or ““Web””” searches for World-Wide Web or “Web”.
You can insert Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) and the proximity operator (NEAR) to specify additional search information.
The wildcard character (*) can match words with a given prefix. The query esc* matches the terms “ESC,” “escape,” and so on.
Free-text queries can be specified without regard to query syntax.
Vector space queries can be specified.
Activex™ (OLE) and file attribute property value queries can be issued.
Boolean and proximity operators can create a more precise query.
To Search For | Example | Results |
Both terms in the same page | access and basic —Or— access & basic | Pages with both the words “access” and “basic” |
Either term in a page | cgi or isapi —Or— cgi | isapi | Pages with the words “cgi” or “isapi” |
The first term without the second term | access and not basic —Or— access & ! basic | Pages with the word “access” but not “basic” |
Pages not matching a property value | not @size = 100 —Or— ! @size = 100 | Pages that are not 100 bytes |
Both terms in the same page, close together | excel near project —Or— excel ~ project | Pages with the word “excel” near the word “project” |
You can add parentheses to nest expressions within a query. The expressions in parentheses are evaluated before the rest of the query.
Use double quotes (“) to indicate that a Boolean or NEAR operator keyword should be ignored in your query. For example, “Abbott and Costello” will match pages with the phrase, not pages that match the Boolean expression. In addition to being an operator, the word and is a noise word in English.
The NEAR operator is similar to the AND operator in that NEAR returns a match if both words being searched for are in the same page. However, the NEAR operator differs from AND because the rank assigned by NEAR depends on the proximity of words. That is, the rank of a page with the searched-for words closer together is greater than or equal to the rank of a page where the words are farther apart. If the searched-for words are more than 50 words apart, they are not considered near enough, and the page is assigned a rank of zero.
The NOT operator can be used only after an AND operator in content queries; it can be used only to exclude pages that match a previous content restriction. For property value queries, the NOT operator can be used apart from the AND operator.
a AND b OR c
c OR a AND b
c OR (a AND b)
(c OR a) AND b
Note The symbols (&, |, !, ~) and the English keywords AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR work the same way in all languages supported by Index Server. Localized keywords are also available when the browser locale is set to one of the following six languages:
Language | Keywords |
German | UND, ODER, NICHT, NAH |
French | ET, OU, SANS, PRES |
Spanish | Y, O, NO, CERCA |
Dutch | EN, OF, NIET, NABIJ |
Swedish | OCH, ELLER, INTE, NÄRA |
Italian | E, O, NO, VICINO |
Note The NEAR operator can be applied only to words or phrases.
Wildcard operators help you find pages containing words similar to a given word.
To Search For | Example | Results |
Files that match free-text | $contents how do I print in
Microsoft Excel? | Pages that mention printing and Microsoft Excel. |
The query engine supports vector space queries. Vector queries return pages that match a list of words and phrases. The rank of each page indicates how well the page matched the query.
To Search For | Example | Results |
Pages that contain specific words | light, bulb | Files with words that best match the words being searched for |
Pages that contain weighted prefixes, words, and phrases | invent*, light[50], bulb[10],
"light bulb"[400] | Files that contain words prefixed by “invent,” the words “light,” “bulb,” and the phrase “light bulb” (the terms are weighted) |
With property value queries, you can find files that have property values that match a given criteria. The properties over which you can query include basic file information like file name and file size, and ActiveX properties including the document summary (information) that is stored in files created by ActiveX-aware applications.
There are two types of property queries:
Property names are preceded by either the “at” (@) or number sign (#) character. Use @ for relational queries, and # for regular expression queries.
If no property name is specified, @contents is assumed.
Properties available for all files include:
Property Name | Description |
All | Matches any property |
Contents | Words and phrases in the file and textual properties |
Filename | Name of the file |
Size | File size |
Write | Last time the file was modified |
ActiveX property values can also be used in queries. Web sites with files created by most ActiveX-aware applications can be queried for these properties:
Property Name | Description |
DocTitle | Title of the document |
DocSubject | Subject of the document |
DocAuthor | The document’s author |
DocKeywords | Keywords for the document |
DocComments | Comments about the document |
For a complete list of property names, see the List of Property Names later on this page.
Relational operators are used in relational property queries.
To Search For | Example | Results |
Property values in relation to a fixed value | @size < 100 | Files whose size matches the query |
Property values with all of a set of bits on | @attrib ^a 0x820 | Compressed files with the archive bit on |
Property values with some of a set of bits on | @attrib ^s 0x20 | Files with the archive bit on |
To Search For | Example | Results |
A specific value | @DocAuthor = Bill Barnes | Files authored by “Bill Barnes” |
Values beginning with a prefix | #DocAuthor George* | Files whose author property begins with “George” |
Files with any of a set of extensions | #filename *.|(exe|,dll|,sys|) | Files with .exe, .dll, or .sys extensions |
Files modified after a certain date | @write > 96/2/14 10:00:00 | Files modified after February 14, 1996 at 10:00 GMT |
Files modified after a relative date | @write > -1d2h | Files modified in the last 26 hours |
Vectors matching a vector | @vectorprop = { 10, 15, 20 } | ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value of { 10, 15, 20 } |
Vectors where each value matches a criteria | @vectorprop >^a 15 | ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value in which all values in the vector are greater than 15 |
Vectors where at least one value matches a criteria | @vectorprop =^s 15 | ActiveX documents with a vectorprop value in which at least one value is 15 |
Be sure to use the pound (#) character before the property name when using a regular expression in a property value, and an “at” (@) character otherwise. The equal (=) relational operator is assumed for regular-expression queries.
File name (#filename) is the only property that efficiently supports regular expressions with wildcards to the left of text.
Date and time values are of the form yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. The first two characters of the year and the entire time can be omitted. If you omit the first two characters of the year, then 29 or less is interpreted as the year 2000, and 30 or greater is interpreted as the year 1900. All dates and times are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Dates and times relative to the current time can be expressed with a minus (-) character followed by zero or by more integer unit and time unit pairs. Time units are expressed as: (y) for years, (m) for months, (w) for weeks, (d) for days, (h) for hours, (n) for minutes, and (s) for seconds. A three-digit millisecond value can be optionally specified after the seconds value in date expressions. For example, 1997/12/8 10:10:03:452
Currency values are of the form x.y, where x is the whole value amount and y is the fractional amount. There is no assumption about units.
Boolean values are (t) or (true) for TRUE and (f) or (false) for FALSE.
Vector values (VT_VECTOR) are expressed as an opening brace ({), followed by a comma-separated list of values, then a closing brace (}).
Single-value expressions that are compared against vectors are expressed as a relational operator, then a (^a) for all of or a (^s) for some of.
Numeric values can be in decimal or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x).
The contents property does not support relational operators. If a relational operator is specified, no results will be found. For example, @contents Microsoft will find documents containing Microsoft, but @contents=Microsoft will find none.
Regular expressions in property queries are defined as follows:
Any character except asterisk (*), period (.), question mark (?), and vertical bar (|) defaults to matching just itself.
Regular expressions can be enclosed in matching quotes (“), and must be enclosed in quotes if they contain a space ( ) or closing parenthesis ()).
The characters *, ., and ? behave as they behave in Windows; they match any number of characters, match (.) or end of string, and match any one character, respectively.
The character | is an escape character. After |, the following characters have special meaning:
Anything else, including |, matches itself.
Between square brackets ([]) the following characters have special meaning:
Anything else matches itself (or begins or ends a range at itself).
Between curly braces ({}) the following syntax applies:
|{m,n|} matches between m and n occurrences of the preceding expression, inclusive. (0 < m < 256, 0 < n < 256).
To match *, ., and ?, enclose them in brackets (for example, |[*]sample will match “*sample”).
Example | Results |
@size > 1000000 | Pages larger than one million bytes |
@write > 95/12/23 | Pages modified after the date |
Apple tree | Pages with the phrase “apple tree” |
"apple tree" | Same as above |
@contents apple tree | Same as above |
Microsoft and @size > 1000000 | Pages with the word “Microsoft” that are larger than one million bytes |
"microsoft and @size > 1000000" | Pages with the phrase specified (not the same as above) |
#filename *.avi | Video files (the # prefix is used because the query contains a regular expression) |
@attrib ^s 32 | Pages with the archive attribute bit on |
@docauthor = John Smith | Pages with the given author |
$contents why is the sky blue? | Pages that match the query |
@size < 100 & #filename *.gif | Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) files less than 100 bytes in size |
These properties are always available for queries. Additional properties may also be available depending on the configuration of the Web server.
Friendly Name | Datatype | Property |
Access | VT_FILETIME | Last time file was accessed. |
All | (not applicable) | Searches every property for a string. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
AllocSize | DBTYPE_I8 | Size of disk allocation for file. |
Attrib | DBTYPE_UI4 | File attributes. Documented in Win32 SDK. |
ClassId | DBTYPE_GUID | Class ID of object, for example, WordPerfect, Word, and so on. |
Characterization | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Characterization, or abstract, of document. Computed by Index Server. |
Contents | (not applicable) | Main contents of file. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
Create | VT_FILETIME | Time file was created. |
DocAppName | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Name of application that created the file. |
DocAuthor | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Author of document. |
DocCharCount | DBTYPE_I4 | Number of characters in document. |
DocComments | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Comments about document. |
DocCreatedTm | VT_FILETIME | Time document was created. |
DocEditTime | VT_FILETIME | Total time spent editing document. |
DocKeywords | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Document keywords. |
DocLastAuthor | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Most recent user who edited document. |
DocLastPrinted | VT_FILETIME | Time document was last printed. |
DocLastSavedTm | VT_FILETIME | Time document was last saved. |
DocPageCount | DBTYPE_I4 | Number of pages in document. |
DocRevNumber | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Current version number of document. |
DocSubject | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Subject of document. |
DocTemplate | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Name of template for document. |
DocTitle | DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Title of document. |
DocWordCount | DBTYPE_I4 | Number of words in document. |
FileIndex | DBTYPE_I8 | Unique ID of file. |
FileName | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Name of file. |
HitCount | DBTYPE_I4 | Number of hits (words matching query) in file. |
HtmlHRef | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML HREF. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading1 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H1. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading2 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H2. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading3 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H3. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading4 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H4. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading5 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H5. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
HtmlHeading6 | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Text of HTML document in style H6. Can be queried but not retrieved. |
Path | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Full physical path to file, including file name. |
Rank | DBTYPE_I4 | Rank of row. Ranges from 0 to 1000. Larger numbers indicate better matches. |
RankVector | DBTYPE_I4 | DBTYPE_VECTOR | Ranks of individual components of a vector query. |
ShortFileName | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Short (8.3) file name. |
Size | DBTYPE_I8 | Size of file, in bytes. |
USN | DBTYPE_I8 | Update Sequence Number. NTFS drives only. |
VPath | DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF | Full virtual path to file, including file name. If more than one possible path, then the best match for the specific query is chosen. |
WorkId | DBTYPE_I4 | Internal ID for file. Used within Index Server. |
Write | VT_FILETIME | Last time file was written. |
The following properties are unavailable:
Friendly Name | Datatype | Property |
DocCategory | DBTYPE_STR | Type of document such as a memo, schedule, or whitepaper. |
DocCompany | DBTYPE_STR | Name of the company for which the document was written. |
DocManager | DBTYPE_STR | Name of the manager of the document’s author. |
To use these properties, you must list them in a [Names] section in the .idq file. To use these properties in a restriction, sort specification, or as a retrieved column, you have to add the following definitions to the .idq file:
#Office document properties which are not in the standard list
DocCategory ( DBTYPE_STR ) = D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE 0x2
DocManager ( DBTYPE_STR ) = D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE 0xE
DocCompany ( DBTYPE_STR ) = D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE 0xF
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