Simple Scripts
These scripts illustrate the fundamental techniques used in ASP scripting. If you're a newcomer to application development, or you're a programmer who has never scripted before, this is a good starting place.
Choose an example from the list below:
Variables: demonstrates how to create and manipulate variables in an ASP script.
Looping: provides an example of the three most common looping constructs, For ... Next, Do ... Loop, and While ... Wend.
Conditional Operators: illustrates the use of conditional operators, such as If ... Then, in ASP scripts.
Arrays: demonstrates how to create, access, and manage arrays.
Functions and Procedures: shows how to create and utilize functions and procedures in ASP scripts.
Server-Side Includes: demonstrates the use of server-side includes.
Using Components: provides an example that uses several Active Server components to accomplish simple tasks.
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