Logging Properties - General Properties Property Sheet
This dialog box allows you to specify how log files will be created and saved.
New Log Time Period
Choose the criterion that the software uses when starting a new file.
Weekly: Log files created weekly, starting with the first entry that occurs as Sunday begins (after midnight).
Monthly: Log files created monthly, starting with the first entry that occurs as the month begins (after midnight).
Unlimited file size: Data is always appended to the same log file. You can only access this log file after stopping the server (that is, selecting the server and clicking the Stop button).
When file size reaches: A new log file is created when the current log file reaches a given size; specify the size you want.
Log file directory
Type the directory in which log files should be saved, or click Browse and locate the directory.
A filename is displayed beneath the Log file directory box; this name is determined by the log file format and the criterion used for starting new log files.