Web Site Properties - Documents Property Sheet
Enable Default Document
Select this check box to show the user a default document when a browser request does not include a specific HTML file name. Default documents can be a directory's home page, or an index page, that provides links to the documents in the directory. You can specify more than one default document by entering them in a comma separated list. The Web server searches the directory for the default documents, following the order in which the names appear in the list. The server returns the first document it finds. To change the search order, select a document and click the arrows.
Enable Document Footer
Select this option to configure your Web server to automatically insert an HTML-formatted file to the bottom of every Web document sent by your Web server. The footer file should be not be a complete HTML document, rather, it should only include HTML tags necessary for formatting the appearance and function of your footer content.
You must provide the full path and file name for your footer file.
You can configure Documents properties at the Web site, virtual directory, and directory level.