Advanced Web Site Identification

IP Address
For an address to appear in this box, it must have already been defined for use on this computer in Control Panel. See your Windows NT documentation for more information. If you do not assign a specific IP address, this Web site responds to all IP addresses assigned to this computer and not assigned to other Web sites.
TCP Port
Determines the port on which the service is running. The default is port 80. You can change the port to any unique TCP port number; however, clients must know in advance to request that port number, or their requests fail to connect to your server.
Host Header Name
For your server to have a domain name, you must register it in the Domain Name System (DNS). A domain name server then maps your registered domain name to your IP address, enabling requests addressed to your domain name to reach you. You can assign multiple domain names, or host header names, to a single IP address. If the client browser supports the use of host header names, the name the user types is passed in the HTTP header as host. The server then routes the client to the correct Web site. If the browser does not support the use of host header names, the server responds with the default Web site if a default Web site is enabled. Otherwise, the client receives an error message. If the Web site requested in the host header is stopped, the client receives the default Web site. Therefore, it is recommended that an ISP use the default Web site as the ISP home page, rather than for a customer site.

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