Logging Tasks

Logging format
(modifies the LogPluginOrder metabase property)
Range: String
Default: W3C Extended format
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet, FTP site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value indicates the logging format used for a Web site or FTP site. The available logging formats are the Microsoft Standard Internet Logging format, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) format, the W3C Extended format, and the Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) format. In previous versions of IIS, the default logging format has been the Microsoft Standard Internet Logging format, but in IIS 4.0 the default logging format is the W3C Extended format, with the following fields selected to be logged by default: time, client IP address, method, URI stem, and service status code. This default logging configuration increases the speed of logging processes and conserves disk space. If you want to log more details than this, you can select additional fields (18 are offered for the W3C Extended format) or change this property to the Microsoft Standard Internet Logging format.
Note: The W3C Extended format time stamp is written using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), not the computer's local time.

W3C Extended logging format fields
(modifies the ExtLogFieldMask metabase property)
Range: Date, Time, Client IP Address, User Name, Service Name, Server IP, Method, URI Stem, URI Query, Http Status, Win32 Status, Bytes Sent, Bytes Received, Time Taken, Protocol Version, User Agent, Cookie, Referer
Default: Client IP Address, Time, Method, URI Stem, Http Status
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value specifies the available field masks for the W3C Extended format. Fields are logged in order of increasing mask value.
Note: The Time time stamp is written using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), not the computer's local time.

Enabling Logging
(modifies the LogType metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value specifies whether logging is on or off for a service.

Storing log files
(modifies the LogfileDirectory metabase property)
Range: String
Default: %systemroot%\system32\LogFiles
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value specifies the base directory in which log files are to be stored. Each service generates a log record for each request processed. A subdirectory is created for each Web site or FTP site.

Period of log files
(modifies the LogfilePeriod metabase property)
Range: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Unlimited file size, Maximum size
Default: Daily
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value specifies how often a new log should be created. New logs can be created daily, weekly, monthly, with no period (unlimited file size), or by indicating a maximum file size.

Truncating log file size
(modifies the LogfileTruncateSize metabase property)
Range: 0 - unlimited
Default: 0
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value specifies the maximum size of each log file generated. Once the specified size is reached, the logging module automatically opens a new log file. A value of 0 means "Do not truncate." This property takes effect only if the log file period is set to "unlimited file size".

Disabling logging
(modifies the DontLog metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This parameter indicates whether or not client requests are sent to the log file. By default, requests are sent to the log file. If you do not want client requests sent to the log file, disable logging.

ODBC Logging

Setting the ODBC data source
(modifies the LogSQLDataSource metabase property)
Range: String
Default: HTTPLOG for Web sites; TSLOG for FTP sites
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This string specifies the name of the ODBC data source to use for sending the request logs for the service to a SQL-compatible database system. This data source should be a system Data Source name (DSN) in the ODBC installation on the server.

Setting the ODBC logging table name
(modifies the LogSQLTableName metabase property)
Range: String
Default: InternetLog for Web sites; FTPLog for FTP site
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This string specifies the name of the ODBC table name used for sending the request logs for the service to a SQL-compatible database system. The table should be created by the administrator as per the specification provided with the services. The user should also have proper access permissions to insert data into the table.

Setting the ODBC user name
(modifies the LogSQLUserName metabase property)
Range: String
Default: InternetAdmin
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This string specifies the user name to use when accessing the ODBC data source specified for ODBC-based logging. This user must be a valid user on the server.

Setting the ODBC logging password
(modifies the LogSQLPassword metabase property)
Range: String
Default: sqllog
Location in ISM: Web Site and FTP site property sheets
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This string specifies the password for establishing an ODBC connection for a particular user account on the ODBC data source. The password is stored as clear text.

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