Performance Tasks


Bandwidth Throttling
(modifies the MaxBandwidth metabase property)
Range: 0 - unlimited
Default: unlimited
Location in ISM: Internet Information Server property sheet, Performance property sheet
Can be configured at: computer and Web site levels
This setting specifies the maximum network bandwidth used for IIS. This helps to prevent overloading the network with IIS activity. For example, for administrators of small corporate servers, where a single server is used for multiple sites, this will help to reduce network usage for IIS servers. A value 0xFFFFFFFF (unlimited) means "Do not restrict bandwidth." This property can also be configured at the computer level by using the Internet Information Server property sheet. If bandwidth throttling is configured at the Web site level, the Web site value overrides that of the computer value, even if the Web site value is higher.



Maintaining server connections
(modifies the ServerConnectionTimeout metabase property)
Range: 0 - 2,147,483,647 (seconds)
Default: 900 seconds (15 minutes)
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet, FTP Site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This setting specifies the time the server should maintain a connection when there is no activity (in seconds). If there is any activity, the connection timeout counter is reset.


Maximum connections
(modifies the ServerMaxConnections metabase property)
Range: 0 - unlimited
Default: Unlimited
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet, FTP Site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This setting specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that the server allows at any given time. When the number of current connections exceeds this value, the service rejects the request. A friendly message can be sent to the client that was refused access.
Note: This setting is valid only for the service (WWW or FTP), Web site, or FTP site; it is not valid for virtual directories, directories, or files.


Server size
(modifies the ServerSize metabase property)
Range: Small, Medium, Large
Default: Medium
Location in ISM: Performance property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value specifies the "size" of the Web site. A "small" Web site is one which you expect to receive fewer than 10,000 client requests per day. A "medium" Web site handles fewer than 100,000 client requests per day. A "large" Web site handles more than 100,000 client requests per day.


HTTP Keepalives
(modifies the AllowKeepAlive metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISm: Performance property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site level
In some rare instances, you may want to disable "Connection: Keep-Alive" negotiation with clients. Most clients support making multiple requests to the server on a TCP session, so this feature significantly decreases the workload on the server. Turning off Keep-Alive negotiation will have serious performance implications and should be used only when necessary.


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