
The IRequest interface exposes methods that access the collections of the Request object.

Method Description
IRequest::BinaryRead Retrieves the current request and places it into a safe array.
IRequest::get_ClientCertificate Retrieves the ClientCertificate collection.
IRequest::get_Cookies Retrieves the Cookies collection.
IRequest::get_Form Retrieves the Form collection.
IRequest::get_Item Retrieves an item from the Request collection by looking for the first match in the QueryString, Form, Cookies, ClientCertificate, and ServerVariables collections.
IRequest::get_QueryString Retrieves the QueryString collection.
IRequest::get_ServerVariables Retrieves the ServerVariables collection.
IRequest::get_TotalBytes Returns the size, in bytes, of the current request.

Note This interface also supports the IUnknown and IDispatch interface methods. For more information, see \inetsrv\asp\cmpnts\asptlb.h, the header file installed with ASP.

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