This identifier indicates whether the server instance will start automatically when its parent service is started. A value of TRUE indicates that the server is to restart when the service is started, while a value of FALSE indicates that the server must be started independently from the service.
Data type | DWORD |
Default inheritance | Inheritable |
User type | IIS_MD_UT_SERVER |
This identifier is available at the following metabase keys:
Metabase Path | Key Type |
/LM/MSFTPSVC | IIsFtpService |
/LM/MSFTPSVC/n | IIsFtpServer |
/LM/W3SVC | IIsWebService |
/LM/W3SVC/n | IIsWebServer |
This identifier is reset automatically when a server instance is stopped or restarted, to maintain state across service restarts. For example, if a server is stopped, the value of this identifier is set to FALSE so that if the service is stopped and restarted, the server will remain stopped. Likewise, if a server is started, this identifier is set to TRUE, allowing the server to remain running whenever the service is running.