This identifier contains filter notification and priority flags for a filter instance. For detailed information about these flags, see the ISAPI section of the documentation.


Data type DWORD
Default inheritance Not inheritable


Default Value
Not applicable
Constant Value Description
MD_NOTIFY_SECURE_PORT 0x00000001 Notify only if port secure
MD_NOTIFY_NONSECURE_PORT 0x00000002 Notify only if port nonsecure
MD_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA 0x00008000 Notify if reading raw data
MD_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS 0x00004000 Notify if preprocessing headers
MD_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION 0x00002000 Notify if performing authentication
MD_NOTIFY_URL_MAP 0x00001000 Notify if mapping URL to physical path
MD_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED 0x00000800 Notify if server sending HTTP error 401 to client
MD_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE 0x00000040 Notify if response being sent to client
MD_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA 0x00000400 Notify if sending raw data
MD_NOTIFY_LOG 0x00000200 Notify if logging
MD_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST 0x00000080 Notify if request has ended
MD_NOTIFY_END_OF_NET_SESSION 0x00000100 Notify if network session is ending
MD_NOTIFY_ORDER_HIGH 0x00080000 High priority for notifications
MD_NOTIFY_ORDER_MEDIUM 0x00040000 Medium priority for notifications
MD_NOTIFY_ORDER_LOW, MD_NOTIFY_ORDER_DEFAULT 0x00020000 Low priority for notifications

Metabase Keys

This identifier is available at the following metabase keys:

Metabase Path Key Type
/LM/W3SVC/Filters/Filter IIsFilter
/LM/W3SVC/n/Filters/Filter IIsFilter


All flags contained in this identifier should be considered read-only, as only the filter itself can specify, by registering with the server, what notifications it will process and what priority it requires.

See Also


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