The Get method takes the name of a counter and returns the current value of the counter. If the counter doesn't exist, the method creates it and sets it to 0.
Display the value a counter with <%= Counters.Get(CounterName) %>
. Assign the value of the counter to a variable with <% countervar = Counters.Get(CounterName) %>
The following script displays the vote tally from a poll about favorite colors.
<% If colornumber = "1" Then Counters.Increment("greencounter") Else If colornumber = "2" Then Counters.Increment("bluecounter") Else If colornumber = "0" Then Counters.Increment("redcounter") End If End If End If %> <P>Current vote tally: <P>red: <% =Counters.Get("redcounter") %> <P>green: <% = Counters.Get("greencounter") %> <P>blue: <% = Counters.Get("bluecounter") %>
Counters component