The PICS property adds a value to the pics-label field of the response header.




A string that is a properly formatted PICS label. The value specified by PICSLabel will be appended to the PICS label field in the response header.


For an .asp file that includes

Response.PICS("(PICS-1.1 <> labels on " & chr(34) & "1997.01.05T08:15-0500" & chr(34) & " until" & chr(34) & "1999.12.31T23:59-0000" & chr(34) & " ratings (v 0 s 0 l 0 n 0))") 

the following header would be added

PICS-label:(PICS-1.1 <> labels on "1997.01.05T08:15-0500" until "1999.12.31T23:59-0000" ratings (v 0 s 0 l 0 n 0))


The PICS property inserts any string in the header, whether or not it represents a valid PICS label.

If a single page contains multiple tags containing Response.PICS, each instance will replace the PICS label set by the previous one. As a result, the PICS label will be set to the value specified by the last instance of Response.PICS in the page.

Because PICS labels contain quotes, you must replace each quote with " & chr(34) & ".

Applies To

Response Object

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