The AttachURL method adds an attachment to the message and associates a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with the attachment.
objNewMail.AttachURL(Source, ContentLocation [, ContentBase] [, EncodingMethod] )
EncodingMethod setting | Value | Description |
CdoEncodingUUencode | 0 | The attachment is to be in UUEncode format (default). |
CdoEncodingBase64 | 1 | The attachment is to be in base 64 format. |
You must supply at least the ContentLocation parameter to specify a URL for the attachment. If you also supply the ContentBase parameter, it is combined with the ContentLocation parameter to define the full URL path by which this attachment is to be referenced. For more information on constructing URL paths, see the ContentLocation property.
The default value for the EncodingMethod parameter can change if you set the MailFormat property. If MailFormat is set to CdoMailFormatText, the default value is CdoEncodingUUencode. If MailFormat is set to CdoMailFormatMime, the default value is CdoEncodingBase64. However, if you add an attachment encoded in base 64 format, the value of the MailFormat property is automatically set to CdoMailFormatMime.
Only C/C++ and Java programs can use an IStream object for the Source parameter. They should pass an IUnknown object that returns an IStream interface in response to QueryInterface. Microsoft® Visual Basic® supports the IDispatch interface and not IUnknown, so it cannot use an IStream object.
This code fragment illustrates the preparation and sending of an MHTML (MIME HTML) message and attachment using the AttachURL method:
Dim myMail Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") HTML = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"">" & NL HTML = HTML & "<html>" HTML = HTML & "<head>" HTML = HTML & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type""" HTML = HTML & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">" HTML = HTML & "<meta name=""GENERATOR"" content=""Microsoft FrontPage 2.0"">" HTML = HTML & "<title>Exchange CDO Example</title>" HTML = HTML & "</head>" HTML = HTML & "<body bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"">" HTML = HTML & "<p><font size=""6"" face=""Arial Black""><strong>Exchange CDO " HTML = HTML & "Sample<img src=CDO.gif>" HTML = HTML & "</strong></font></p>" HTML = HTML & "<p>CDO for NTS allows an easy way to send mail." HTML = HTML & "This example shows how the content can be an HTML page" HTML = HTML & "which allows you to send rich text and inline graphics.</p>" HTML = HTML & "</body>" HTML = HTML & "</html>" myMail.AttachURL "D:\wwwroot\CDO.gif", "CDO.gif" myMail.From = "" myMail.To = "" myMail.Subject = "Sample Message" myMail.BodyFormat = 0 myMail.MailFormat = 0 myMail.Body = HTML myMail.Send