Folder Object (CDONTS Library)

The Folder object represents a folder or container in a message store.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDONTS.DLL
First available in: CDO for NTS Library version 1.2
Parent objects: Session
Child objects: Messages collection
Default property: Messages


Available since version

Application 1.2 String Read-only
Class 1.2 Long Read-only
Messages 1.2 Messages collection object Read-only
Name 1.2 String Read-only
Parent 1.2 Session object Read-only
Session 1.2 Session object Read-only




The CDO for NTS Library does not permit any modifications to messages in the Inbox, other than deleting the entire message. Prohibited modifications include adding, deleting, or modifying any attachment; adding, deleting, or modifying any recipient; and modifying any message property, even one with read/write access.

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