44 IP Address (Mask)/Domain Name 1000 WWW 1001 Properties for Web Site %d on %s 1002 The change in port number will not take effect until the server has been restarted. 1003 WWW Service Properties for Selected Computers 1004 R&emove 1005 Status 1006 Filter Name 1007 Filter Executable 1008 Priority 1009 High 1010 Medium 1011 Low 1012 Application 1013 Extension 1014 Executable 1015 HTTP Error 1016 Type 1017 Cr&eate 1018 File 1019 &Enable 1020 Fil&e: 1021 Disabl&e 1022 HTM File (*.htm)|*.htm|HTML File (*.html)|*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 1023 \\{server}\{share} 1024 http:// 1025 1026 Properties for %s 1027 Alias is incorrect 1028 No path specified 1029 WWW Service Master Properties for %s 1030 WARNING -- By setting both the Write and Execute permissions, you are potentially exposing this site to malicious attack. A destructive or intrusive program could be uploaded and then executed.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 1031 Enable &SSL Client Authentication (requires server certificate) 1032 Enable &SSL Client Authentication (not currently installed) 1033 Enable &SSL Client Authentication (not currently enabled) 1034 &Require Secure Channel 1035 &Require SSL (not installed) 1036 &Require SSL (not enabled) 1037 The authentication options you have selected will result in all access being denied. \nAre you sure you want to do this? 1038 The SSL port cannot be the same as the TCP port. 1039 You must specify at least one default document. 1040 Yes 1041 No 1042 Loaded 1043 Not Loaded 1044 Disabled 1045 * Changed * 1046 New 1047 The footer document must be a fully qualfied path and filename. 1048 * Unknown * 1049 Home Directory 1050 Virtual Directory 1051 File 1052 Directory 1053 A default document may not contain a path. 1054 A virtual root exists with this alias. You cannot set properties on a file or directory when a virtual root exists with the same name. 1055 &Enable 1056 Disabl&e 1057 Unknown 1058 IP Address 1059 TCP Port 1060 SSL Port 1061 Host Header Name 1062 1063 Binding is not unique. 1064 You must enter at least one port number. 1065 Secure binding is not unique 1066 The document already exists in the list. 1067 The footer document cannot reside on a network directory. 1068 File Security 1069 Directory Security 1070 The custom header already exists in the list. 1071 The filter name is not unique. 1072 A &directory located on this computer 1073 The &designated directory 1074 The &designated file 1075 The path is not a local absolute URL path. 1076 Advanced Web Site Identification 1077 Advanced Web Site SSL Identification 1078 TCP P&ort: 1079 SSL P&ort: 1080 The given port is already in use as a SSL port for the given IP address. 1081 The given port is already in use as a TCP port for the given IP address. 1082 Default Application 1083 ISAPI Filters (*.dll)|*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 1152 Contents 1153 &URL: 1154 URL 1155 Default 1156 An invalid custom error message was found. Entry will be skipped\n\nError Code: %d\nSub Code: %d 1157 Your configuration is invalid: there are no HTTP error descriptions. 1158 The file does not exist. 1159 Local Pa&th: 1160 Network Direc&tory: 1161 Redirec&t to: 1162 The path is not a UNC path. 1163 The path is not a valid URL 1166 No date selected. 1167 Date is out of range. 1168 The date selected has already expired. Do you want to continue? 1169 The content expiration value is out of range. The value has been adjusted. 1170 No port specified. 1171 There are invalid characters in the alias name. 1172 Error creating/removing application. 1173 Minute(s) 1174 Hour(s) 1175 Day(s) 1176 E&dit... 1177 1178 <%s> 1179 1183 Filters installed here are active for all web sites on this computer and are executed in the order listed below. These filters are not displayed on individual web sites. 1184 Filters installed here are active for this Web site only. Filters are executed in the order listed below: 57344 IIS WWW Configuration