The RetrievePending method attempts to retrieve a certificate from a request that had previously returned CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE or CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION.
[VB] Long RetrievePending( long RequestId, BSTR strConfig ); [JAVA] int RetrievePending( int RequestId, java.lang.String strConfig ); [C++] HRESULT RetrievePending( LONG RequestId, // in BSTR const strConfig, // in LONG * pDisposition // out, return value );
Returns a value specifying the disposition of the request. The disposition can be specified by one of the following values.
Return Value | Meaning |
CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE | Request did not complete |
CR_DISP_ERROR | Request failed |
CR_DISP_DENIED | Request denied |
CR_DISP_ISSUED | Certificate issued |
CR_DISP_ISSUED_OUT_OF_BAND | Certificate issued separately |
CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION | Request taken under submission |