What are channels? WatzNew uses three types of channels: | | | | · | Http channels (or simply channels): These are channels that retrieve data from any text document (plain text files or html pages) that can be accessed by http protocol (with your browser, in other words). You can use proxy servers and retrieve documents from password-protected server areas. Once a document is downloaded, WatzNew applies a user-defined search pattern to it and retrieves some specific data (software version, weather parameters, latest guestbook entry message, etc.) and uses a message template defined for that channel to form a user-friendly message. See Search pattern and message template macros for more info. | | · | Perl-script channels: These are channels that collect the perl script output messages and present them in a friendly way. Perl scripts can be used to load local files, run any programs, access documents via any network protocol (http, ftp, nntp, etc.) and so on. To run scripts you need to have Perl 5.003 or greater installed on your machine. You can download the latest Perl version at http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/ for free. | | · | Mailboxes: These are channels that retrieve the infromation about incoming mail from your POP3 mail servers. They can't work with web-based mail accounts such as Hotmail (you still can create perl-script channels that can access the web-based mail accounts). |
You can define up to 10 custom actions for each channel. The maximum amount of channels is 300. You can define any check interval from 1 minute to 99 months for each channel. Table Of Contents |