How can WatzNew notify me about changes? When your channel is updated (you've got new mail or the message is changed), WatzNew will notify you about this. There are several notification methods you can choose for any channel. These are:  |  |  |  | · | ¡Silence (no action): Simply no action is performed. |  | · | ¤Flashing tray icon: The icon tray flashes. The type of icon ( "channel" or "letter") depends on the type of channel that caused icon to flash. |  | · | ¡Popup window: The Alert window with the channel title and the new message comes up. |
Here is how the Alert Window looks like: 
There are additional options you can set for each channel:  |  |  |  | · | þPlay sound: The sound (WAV-file) associated with the current channel type is played additionally. |  | · | þAlert on errors: When an HTTP error occurs during the channel check, the alert box is displayed with the HTTP error code. This can be useful to be notified immediately when the page has been moved (HTTP error codes 3xx) or deleted from server (HTTP error code 400). |
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