Each of these icons were taken from the following websites: Take a minute to check them out! Amalgam95, 97, 98, 99.ico - amalgam Network http://www.iocc.com/~stevep GameSpy.ico - The GameSpy program http://www.gamespy.com Hagai.ico - Hagai's Website http://hagai.8m.com IconsPLUS.ico - IconsPLUS icl factory http://www.iconsplus.com IOCC.com.ico - Arkansas' premium ISP http://www.iocc.com KFS.ico - Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. http://www.kingwoodforestry.com UML.ico - the ultimate music link http://i.am/uml Snap.ico - Snap Search Engine http://www.snap.com SP Heart 98, 99.ico - The SP Heart: heart of the Smashing Pumpkins http://www.spheart.com Wired.ico - Wired Magazine http://www.wired.com ZDNet.ico - Ziff-Davis Network http://www.zdnet.com If you would like a Website icon to be added for your site, please email me at: amalgam@geocities.com for more info.