Table of Contents
Installation with Setup
Wizard and
General Information
Bootable Norton Utilities CD
Disk Editor (DISKEDIT.EXE)
Norton Diagnostics
Norton Disk Doctor
Norton File Compare
Norton Optimization Wizard
Norton Protected Recycle Bin and
Norton Protection
Norton Registry Tracker
Norton Speed Start
Norton System Doctor
Norton Web Services
Norton WinDoctor
Wipe Info
Rescue Disk
From CD
Speed Disk
System Information
UnErase Wizard
2000 Compliance

 © 1995-1999 Symantec
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Utilities 2000 4.5
for Windows 95/98
Release Notes
Norton Utilities™ gives you more effective problem solving
than any other product.
Thank you for purchasing Norton Utilities 2000 4.5
for Windows 95/98. This version of Norton Utilities 2000 is designed for
Windows 95 and Windows 98. In this document we will refer to them
collectively as Windows 9x. This version is not compatible with Windows NT,
Windows 2000, Windows 3.x, OS/2, or Windows emulators such as SoftWindows.
Please review this document before you install Norton
Utilities 2000 or call technical support, as it contains information not
contained in the User’s Guide and the online help. |

IMPORTANT: Do not use Norton Utilities versions 8.0 or earlier
for DOS or Windows on your Windows 9x system. They are not compatible
with the Windows 9x file system and can cause disk problems. Uninstall
these programs from your system.
We recommend that you uninstall any
earlier versions of Norton Utilities 2000 for Windows 9x from your
system prior to installing Norton Utilities 2000 4.5.
Do not install Norton Utilities 2000 4.5 in a path longer than
128 characters.
Norton Utilities 200 4.5 cannot be
installed into a directory with Double Byte Characters.
Do not install Norton Utilities 2000 into the \Windows
directory, or into the \Program Files\Symantec directory.
At installation, backups are made of USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT
named USER.NU4 and SYSTEM.NU4. After you make and test a full rescue
disk set, you can safely delete these backup files.
In a custom install, choosing to install Norton System Check
will require that Norton Disk Doctor, Norton WinDoctor, and Norton
Optimization Wizard also be installed. These will not be deselectable
if Norton System Check is selected.
During a Custom Install, some components cannot be deselected
if other components are selected.
LiveUpdate is required by Norton System Doctor, Norton Web Services,
and Norton CrashGuard. The Basefiles are always required.
If you install Norton System Doctor, we recommend you install
all other Norton Utilities 2000 programs to get the full benefits of
Norton System Doctor.
With a dual boot Windows 9x / Windows NT machine, do not
install Norton Utilities 2000 for Windows 9x into the same directory
with Norton Utilities for Windows NT.
If you uninstall Norton Utilities 2000 4.5, or an earlier
version of Norton Utilities, please reboot your system after
completing the uninstall and before re-installing Norton Utilities
2000 4.5 or any other Symantec product.
When uninstalling Norton Utilities, you are asked whether or
not you want to remove shared files. In most cases, it is safe to
select “Yes to All”.
If you install and then uninstall Norton Antivirus 2.0 while Norton Utilities 4.5 is installed, an error may appear on startup:
“Unable to dynamically load
NPROTECT.VXD”. Re-install Norton Utilities 4.5 to solve this
problem, or call technical support for assistance. This problem does
not occur with Norton Antivirus 4.0.
Users are strongly discouraged from using Uninstall programs to
remove Norton Utilities 2000 4.5. Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs
function found in the Control Panel.
Norton Utilities 2000 requires DCOM for Windows 9x, which is
installed by default. If this is removed, some components of Norton
Utilities will no longer function.
Norton Utilities 2000 uses a Windows component called DCOM
which comes with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. Uninstalling
Internet Explorer 4.0 will remove DCOM, and cause certain components
of Norton Utilities 2000 to no longer function correctly. You can run
the DCOM setup program from the \DCOM95 directory on your Norton
Utilities 4.5 CD-ROM to reinstall DCOM should it get removed.
On some western European versions of Windows 95 OSR2, you may
get a message about COMPOBJ.DLL being
replaced by an older version than the one
that is currently on the machine. The dialog box
will inform you that the file error will be corrected after
restarting Windows. This error results from installing
Microsoft’s DCOM for Windows 9x.
Norton Utilities 2000 standard installation adds
LiveAdvisor, LiveUpdate,
Norton CrashGuard, and Norton Web Services to the Add/Remove Programs
list in the Windows Control Panel. These items can be uninstalled
separately. LiveUpdate should only be uninstalled when no other
Symantec programs exist on the computer.
During the Norton Utilities 2000 Standard Installation, Norton
CrashGuard 4.0, Norton Web Services, Rescue, Live Update and
Live Advisor are installed. These are special components of Norton
Utilities and require their own installation process. If the
installation of any these components fails for some
reason, you can run these installations manually after the
installation of Norton Utilities 2000 is complete. To manually install
any of these components, insert the Norton Utilities 2000 CD into your
CD Rom Drive. The CD Start Panel should load automatically . Select
"Browse the CD" from the menu.
To reinstall Norton Web Services, type:
To reinstall Norton CrashGuard, type:
To reinstall Rescue Disk, type:
To reinstall Live Advisor, type:
To reinstall Live Update, type:
You may
select NOT to install NSW (Norton Web Services) on your system.
However, the file NWS.URL will be installed. No other pieces of NWS
will be installed on your system.
to top of page
If you have a Promise FastTRAK Ultra 33 controller,
Norton Disk Doctor and Norton SpeedDisk may
detect problems that do not exist and should not
be fixed. This is due to problems in the Promise driver
or hardware. We recommend that you do not use these applications
on drives attached to this controller at this time.
LiveUpdate and Internet Firewalls:
LiveUpdate downloads updates
automatically from an FTP site.If your Internet
connection is protected by a firewall, you may need to
modify its configuration to permit access to the Symantec LiveUpdate FTP site.
Use the
following data:
Outbound data port:21
Inbound data port: 20
Consult your firewall’s
documentation or your network administrator for
implementation details.
For safety
reasons, several Norton Utilities 2000 programs momentarily lock the hard drive on which they are running. If the
drive is written to while it is locked, the
Norton Utilities 2000 program running will
restart. Restarts are most commonly noticed on the drive that contains the Windows swap file. For example, if the
swap file changes while Norton Disk Doctor is
diagnosing the disk, Norton Disk Doctor restarts
in order to verify the newly written data on the
Norton Disk Doctor can be used under Windows 9x safe
mode to diagnose and recover drives. However,
many other Norton Utility programs do not run in
safe mode, because the operating system functions
they require are not available.
If you have an emergency
situation and you cannot start Windows 9x normally, use your Norton Zip Rescue disk set to boot into Windows safe mode,
or refer to the Norton Utilities 2000 User’s
Guide for more information.
Hard disk drives with more than 1024
cylinders may, if improperly partitioned, cause
problems with Norton Utilities. To avoid this problem,
use an Enhanced IDE (EIDE) or SCSI controller, upgrade your
system BIOS, or use a third-party disk partitioning software.
Utilities 2000 may have difficulties with other utility software products that use the hard drive in a nonstandard way. If you
use a program like Partition Magic to resize
clusters, make sure that you recreate your
rescue disk set and re-run Image. If you use Partition
Magic to expand the size of the root directory, Norton Disk
Doctor may have difficulties with boot sector repairs.
If you have either
the Buslogic BT-757s SCSI adapter for EISA systems
or the Buslogic BT-445s SCSI adapter, add the following
two lines to the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory:
The Windows 9x Setup Wizard does not automatically
install Quick View. Quick View must be installed
to view a file’s contents before deleting or
recovering it in either UnErase Wizard or Space Wizard.
To install Quick View:
Click Settings, then Control Panel from the Start menu.
Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
Click the Windows Setup tab.
Select Accessories from the list box, then click Details.
Select Quick View.
Click OK.
Click Apply.
You will be prompted to insert your Windows 9x disk.
DOS-Based Programs that are included with Norton
Utilities 2000 for Windows 9x have the following minimum memory
DOS-based Program |
Conventional |
Extended |
Norton Disk Doctor (NDD.EXE) |
360K |
2 MB
Disk Editor (DISKEDIT.EXE) |
360K |
2 MB |
360K |
2 MB |
360K |
2 MB |
Rescue Restore (RESCUE.EXE) |
512K |
Most of these programs run in protected mode.
Therefore, a memory manager such as
HIMEM.SYS must be loaded.
On some machines, HIMEM.SYS may not detect your
hardware correctly, and may need a /M:1 command line switch to function
properly. Details on the operation of HIMEM.SYS can be found in the
MSDOSDRV.TXT file in your Windows 9x directory. The proper syntax in your
CONFIG.SYS would be: device=c:\windows\himem.sys
The Norton Utilities
2000 programs for DOS may display “Run-time error R6009 - not enough space for
environment” if your PATH environment variable
contains more than 128 characters.
If you run Norton Utilities 2000 in DOS,
you may wish to add the path (usually c:\Program
Files\Norton Utilities\) to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The path used in AUTOEXEC.BAT must use the short file name version
of the path.
For example, open AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the line:
(The actual short file name version of the path may be
different for your system than the one above.)
If you receive an error stating your hard drive is
misconfigured, and you are certain that the
drive is configured and functioning correctly,
the hard disk partitioning scheme may be incompatible with
Norton Disk Doctor and Speed Disk. See the appropriate section
below for more information.
Prior to compressing a drive, disable Norton
Protection for that drive.
If you install CleanSweep v3.0, it may install an
older version of MFC42.DLL (dated 10-1-96),
which will cause some problems with some of the
Norton Utilities. This problem does not exist with CleanSweep
3.01.If you have this problem, you can copy MFC42.DLL from
the Norton Utilities 2000 CD (in the \NU\SYSTEM directory) to your Windows system directory (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ if
Windows is installed in the \WINDOWS directory).
Quarterdeck’s MagnaRAM and QEMM97 products may cause
“out of memory” errors when attempting to run some of the Norton Utilities. Please refer to the QEMM97/MagnaRAM user
guide to solve this problem by adjusting the
cache size.
Users of Network Associates’ VirusScan version 3.1 may
experience system lockups when creating Zip
Rescue disks, running Speed Disk,
running Optimization Wizard, or running Norton System
Doctor.If you are experiencing lockups, try disabling VirusScan to see if
that solves the problem.
to top of page
The Norton Utilities 2000 CD is
bootable. This means
on systems with 2.88MB bootable CD support built
into the BIOS, the CD will boot to DOS for
emergency recovery. This standard is not supported by some
systems may not successfully boot from the Norton Utilities
CD. Should problems be encountered, please contact the hardware
manufacturer of your System, CD-ROM drive or CD-ROM Drive
Controller to insure they support the 2.88 standard.
When booted, the CD may be
displayed as the A: Drive (floppy) This is
normal when booting from the CD. (Note: Your original A:
Drive may also now be identified as your B:. Your original B: drive will be inaccessible.)
Because the bootable image on
the CD is formatted as a 2.88MB floppy, the CD
will appear as a 2.88MB floppy diskette. If you encounter problems booting
from the CD, use the Emergency floppies
provided with Norton Utilities.
to top of page
When switching to
32-bit boot record view, the current position of the
cursor will change. To solve this problem, select the range of the suspected boot record and then view the
selection as a boot record.
Long file names that use high ASCII characters display
as dots in the directory view.
If Windows reports that it cannot find HIMEM.SYS after
running Disk Editor, REM out all reference to
files. These references are redundant since Windows
always loads HIMEM.SYS. Note: Do not REM out references to
HIMEM.SYS from any CONFIG.DOS file you may have.
to top of page
Image may report “Volume Lock Failed.” This indicates
that another disk program is currently accessing
the disk and Image could not lock the volume for
its own process. Click OK and try again when the
other program stops accessing the disk.
Programs that rearrange data on the
disk, such as Defrag, can invalidate the saved
Image information. Rerun Image after running these
types of programs.
On a large, extremely fragmented FAT32 drive, Image
may report an “Out Of Memory” error. Run Speed
Disk to correct this.
to top of page
On some Compaq systems, you may not hear any sound
from the PC Speaker test. On these systems, Compaq redirects the PC Speaker
sound to the sound card.
The CD-ROM test is designed to work
with CD-ROM disks. The test may not function correctly
with a Audio CD in the drive.
The CD-ROM test is
designed to verify the functionality of the CD drive and not the integrity of
the CD. The test
does read data off the disk, but it may not encounter any damaged areas
on the physical disk during the test.
If you are using MouseKeys
from Control Panel's Accessibility Options, the keyboard and keypad tests will not
work properly.
Norton Diagnostics does not support Windows Safe Mode. When Windows is
booted into Safe Mode, many of the drivers Norton Diagnostics needs are not
to top of page
Note: Do not run Norton Disk Doctor DOS on partitions that
were created with Linux FDISK or Disk Druid. If
you choose to fix errors on partitions that were
created with these utilities, it is critical that
you make an undo disk.
Running SpeedDisk frequently will improve the
performance of the scans that Norton Disk Doctor DOS conducts.
Norton Disk Doctor for Windows restarts its diagnosis
if it detects a write to the disk being
diagnosed. Restarting ensures the integrity of
data on the disk if repairs are required. A restart may
occur several times during a single Norton Disk Doctor session
Norton Disk
Doctor will report that a hard drive is misconfigured if the drive fails the drive configuration check.
Possible reasons for this failure include:
drive may have been partitioned on one PC and moved to another PC that uses
a different type of BIOS, or has a different BIOS setup.
BIOS may have been set up incorrectly for the drive in question when the
drive was partitioned.
BIOS may require an update to correctly support the hard drive.
program other than FDISK was used to create the drive partitions.
Check with the BIOS manufacturer to
be sure that the
BIOS supports the drive and that the BIOS is set up correctly for that
drive, and make sure you have the latest BIOS version. If you are certain
the drive is configured and functioning correctly, you can start Norton
Disk Doctor with the /NOLBA command-line switch to prevent the drive
configuration check during one run of the program. NOTE: Use this command-line switch ONLY if you are certain the drive
is configured correctly. For more information on hard drive configuration, contact
your drive’s manufacturer, or visit our website at http://service.symantec.com
You can force Norton Disk Doctor to skip drive
configuration checking always by adding a DWORD registry value named
NOLBACHECK under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Norton Utilities 2000
When this is set to 1, the drive configuration check is skipped. NOTE: Do not set this value unless you are certain that your hard
drive is configured correctly. For more information on hard drive
configuration, contact your drive’s manufacturer, or visit our website at http://service.symantec.com
Do not run Norton Utilities 2000 programs during system startup with other programs that require exclusive access to a
drive. For example, do not run Norton Disk Doctor
and ScanDisk on the same drive at startup. Doing
so will produce an error message.
When restarting Windows after not shutting down
properly, you may receive the following message: “Error reading
configuration file SYMCFG.BIN." Press OK to allow Norton Disk Doctor to
check for and repair any disk errors that may have occurred when the system
was shut down. Once Windows loads, open the START MENU and choose FIND to
locate SYMCFG.BIN on your hard drive. If you have more than one hard drive,
specify each drive in the FIND program’s LOCATE IN box by typing, for
example, C:\ for a single drive or C:\;D:\
for multiple drives. When the file is located, right-click the file and
choose delete. When prompted for confirmation, answer
Norton Disk
Doctor Windows cannot repair damaged program code in the boot record.
Rescue Disk to restore this data. Make sure you are running under Windows 9x
MS-DOS mode when repairing the boot record with
Norton Disk Doctor for DOS. If you use Norton Your Eyes Only with the
BootLock feature, and have boot record
corruption, you should use the NYEO emergency recovery
disks to recover the boot record instead of Norton Disk
When running Norton Disk
Doctor for DOS on a computer that contains
one or more drives with invalid boot records,
you may receive the message “Invalid media type
reading drive x: (Abort, Retry, Fail?).” Select
Fail, and Norton Disk
Doctor continues loading. Then select the drive to diagnose the problem.
Norton Disk
Doctor may not be able to correctly repair drives
partitioned with Partition Magic as it may use
non-standard partitioning scheme. After using Partition Magic to
re-partition a drive, update your rescue disk
set. Use Rescue Disk to restore any partition table or
boot record errors on these drives.
If you are using DriveSpace and it accesses a damaged compressed
volume file, you may get a blue screen error message.
This message is not generated by Norton Disk
Please contact Microsoft for assistance.
Norton Disk
Doctor for DOS generates a divide by 0 error when
attempting to run on a Windows NT-formatted FAT
partition with clusters larger than 32k. 32k
clusters are the largest valid clusters for use with Windows
If Norton Disk Doctor reports an “invalid drive type”
on a system with an internal Zip drive, the Zip
drive may be configured as a fixed disk in your
CMOS. Remove the Zip drive from the CMOS, or contact
the hardware manufacturer’s technical support. IoMega Zip and Jaz drives
have internal automatic bad sector correction,
and will reallocate bad sectors on the fly. Do not use
Norton Disk Doctor’s surface scan function to check for bad sectors, as this will thwart the internal bad sector
detection and cause problems with your Zip or
Jaz cartridge. IoMega recommends that you remove
Zip and Jaz cartridges from the drive when not in
use to minimize disk damage.
Norton Disk Doctor should only be
used to fix an invalid partition if it is completely inaccessible from
Windows or DOS. Prior to any kind of partition repair operation, you should
update your Rescue Disk set.
to top of page
Binary files can occasionally be viewed in the text
viewer. These files appear illegible.
The maximum size of a file is 32,767 lines.
to top of page
We recommend that you close all other programs before
running Norton Optimization Wizard. If a program
attempts to alter the system registry while
Norton Optimization Wizard is optimizing the registry,
the settings it is attempting to save will be lost. Also, do not empty the
Recycle Bin or change Windows settings during
the registry optimization.
WinIce users may get an error “Invalid VXD dynamic
link call to device #3, service B” when
optimizing the registry with Norton Optimization
Wizard. Do a full system reboot to solve this problem. Another solution
is to rename NRW16.EXE (in the Norton Utilities
directory) to NRW16.NUL.
Norton Optimization Wizard requires a file called REGOPT.DLL to be present
and registered on your system. From the START
Menu select the RUN command. In the Dialog box
enter the text:
If there is corruption or nonstandard entries in your system registry, Norton Optimization Wizard will fail to
optimize the registry, and will create a file
called BADKEY.OW in your Windows directory. This
file can be used to locate such entries.
For example: Microsoft Visual C++
v5.0 contains one such corrupted key (subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\
{B3943EF5-CEC5-11CF-AF20-00A0C9034837\). This key is split into two keys, “Component"
and "CLSID”, but should actually be "Component CLSID". This split key causes
Norton Optimization Wizard to fail unless the key is renamed correctly
(delete “Component" and rename "CLSID” to Component CLSID).
If you encounter any problems with your system
registry, or your system exhibits odd behavior
after doing a registry optimization with Norton
Optimization Wizard, shutdown your system into MS-DOS mode,
switch to your Windows directory, and run RESTREG.BAT. This restores your system registry to its pre-optimized
to top of page
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to purge protected files while
utilities such as Speed Disk or Norton Disk
Doctor are running.
To configure Norton Protection features, right-click the
Recycle Bin icon, then click Properties on the
context menu.
Norton Protection uses available free space to protect
your files. Once the free space available reaches a specified threshold,
Norton Protection starts purging the oldest protected files to free up just
enough space to protect the latest deletion. Norton Protection will begin
removing files if the total of all files sizes it is protecting is greater
than the amount of actual free space on your drive. Norton Protected Recycle Bin protects a maximum of 1500
If the “Show Norton Protection” status is checked and
you select the “Use Large Icons” check box on
the Plus! tab in Display Properties, then the
Recycle Bin icon may appear stretched or shrunken.
fix this, right-click on the Recycled Bin icon, and select
Properties. Select the Desktop Item tab and uncheck Show
Norton Protection status. Click Apply. Then click Show Norton Protection Status and click Apply again.
When using
NDOS, some file deletions of read-only files may not be
protected. Use 4DOS for Windows 9x instead.
You cannot format drives currently
protected by Norton Protection. Disable Norton Protection before formatting a drive.
Restoring a registry snapshot from Norton Registry Tracker may
cause the Norton Protection shield status to be displayed incorrectly. To
correctly display the
status, disable Norton Protection and then re-enable it.
to top of page
To track files with long names (greater than 12
characters), track the files individually
instead of tracking the folder that contains them.
Changes to hidden or system files
in a tracked folder will not cause a
snapshot. To track a hidden or system file, make
it unhidden or non-system.
If a snapshot is taken of a file tracked by Norton
Registry Tracker while the file is being edited
inside another application, an error message may
appear when you try to save the file or when the application’s
auto-save feature activates. The message says the file
is in use.
Files created and Deleted from a tracked folder in DOS
mode do not cause an automatic snapshot. Solution: Manually force a snap
Do not use Registry Tracker
to track any text or data files contained in a
folder that is protected by Norton Your Eyes Only. Doing so may cause
Registry Tracker to take repeated unchanging snapshots.
is completely benign, but may cause extremely high
CPU usage.
to top of page
Because functionality similar to
Norton SpeedStart is built
in to Windows 98,
Norton SpeedStart is disabled in
Windows 98.
The very first time an application is loaded after
Norton SpeedStart is installed, it may
load more slowly than usual because
Norton SpeedStart is
profiling the loading process.
Immediately after
installing Norton Utilities 2000 and rebooting, Norton SpeedStart profiles many applications for the first time, so the
first boot may be noticeably slower than normal. Norton SpeedStart
uses this information
to speed up application startup.
to top of page
The Disk Health sensor
is set to Monitor All Local Hard Drives by default.
The Disk Doctor, Disk Doctor (Surface Test), and Image sensors can be set to Monitor All Local Hard
Drives from the Drive tab of the sensor Properties.
If a sensor is set to Monitor All Local Hard Drives, there
should be no more than one of that sensor type in the Norton System Doctor sensor panel.
The CrashGuard+, Rescue Disk, and WinDoctor sensors
are system wide, and not drive specific. Only one
of each should be active at any time.
Norton System Doctor may report 100% CPU usage when
Microsoft’s System Monitor (SYSMON) program is
running, because System Monitor uses all idle
processor time while displaying its processor usage gauge.
Norton System Doctor may report 100% CPU usage during
a pcANYWHERE Session due to the high activity
generated by constant video updates and modem
Using High Contrast (White on Black) Accessibility
Options may cause Norton System Doctor’s text to
be invisible. Adjust System Doctor’s sensor
colors, or turn off the High Contrast features.
Norton System Doctor’s
sensors have been configured for optimum performance
on most systems. Do not increase the frequency of any sensor
that can automatically run a Norton Utilities 2000 program, such as Rescue, Image, Disk Health, or Disk Optimization
sensors. If you notice a decrease in a drive’s
performance while Norton System Doctor is
monitoring it, decrease the frequency with which Norton
System Doctor monitors that drive.
If you have Always on Top disabled in a docked Norton
System Doctor, you will not be able to move windows past the area it occupies.
In rare cases, if Norton System
Doctor is docked vertically, its width may be larger than necessary
to accommodate the current set of selected
sensors. To fix this problem, close and re-launch the
Norton System Doctor configuration files saved with
versions prior to 3.0 of Norton Utilities 2000
for Windows 9x are not compatible with version
4.5. Please set up a new System Doctor configuration with version 4.5.
If you believe your system has a SMART
(Self-Monitoring And Reporting Technology) hard
drive, but the SMART sensor in Norton System
Doctor reports that no SMART drives can be found on your system, please contact your hardware manufacturer or
try installing the Microsoft SMART driver
provided in the SMARTDRV folder on the Norton
Utilities 2000 CD. For more information, see the SMARTDRV.TXT
located there.
Upgrading to Windows 98 will remove the SMARTVSD.VXD
file from the WINDOWS/SYSTEM/IOSUBSYS directory
if there is such a file there. If you had operating SMART sensors
prior to upgrading you will have to re-install
using SMARTDRV.EXE on the NU CD after the upgrade.
If you connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
such as CompuServe or America Online using
dial-up networking, do not enable the Internet
sensors in Norton System Doctor. ISPs that use dial-up
networking do not disconnect properly if they detect another
application using the internet connection. This could cause
your ISP charges or your telephone bill to be higher than expected.
If Norton System Doctor alarm is postponed for a set
amount of time, the alarm may show again before
that time has elapsed. This happens if the
condition that caused the alarm is removed (which clears the set postpone)
and then the condition occurs again. For example, if the Disk Space
alarm is displayed, you can dismiss the alarm for a
specified time period. If you then clean up your
drive and re-fill it before the time period has elapsed, System Doctor will display the alarm anyway because it
perceives it as new error condition.
After running a Norton Utilities 2000 program to
correct a problem indicated by a Norton System
Doctor sensor, some stoplight sensor faces may
not update immediately to indicate the condition is resolved.
To update the sensor display after fixing the problem, right-click
the sensor, and choose Update from the context menu.
to top of page
If you get an “Unable to load monitoring VXD error 2”
message when you install an ‘undoable’ patch, you can
fix this problem by going to the \NWS directory
on your Norton Utilities 2000 CD-ROM and running SETUP.EXE.
will reinstall the monitoring VXD (symmonit.vxd) and
solve the problem.
to top of page
Program dependency errors cannot always be repaired
because programs can lose required files and
require re-installation. Norton WinDoctor’s “Repair” button is grayed out if
it cannot find a program dependency, but it does
not inform the user when “Repair All” is used.
When a program is moved from one disk drive to another, WinDoctor may
not always be able to repair all broken associations and get the program
working again. Generally, if you want to move a program to a different
drive, you should uninstall the product and re-install it.
WinDoctor can create a log file of all the changes
made to the system. Pressing CTRL-ALT-S will open a Save dialog and allow
you to save the log to a text file.
Norton WinDoctor will not diagnose broken
links to a hard drive which has been removed from
your computer.
Turning off the “removable drive” analysis
agent enables Norton WinDoctor to show these errors.
Norton WinDoctor cannot be used to diagnose system
problems when Windows is started up in Safe Mode.
WinDoctor can only be used in Safe Mode to
undo a previously executed repair.
If Norton WinDoctor
starts up, but
does not have any tests in its list, you may have an installation
error. To repair the installation error, reinstall Norton Utilities, or
select Run from the Start Menu and browse to the Norton Utilities 2000 folder and type:
If you do not have a temp directory,
you will get the message, “An error (4) occurred while examining
your registry.” You can fix this error by opening a MS-DOS prompt from
Start Menu / Programs and typing MD TEMP.
to top of page
Norton WipeInfo will not wipe the slack space
remove the directory entry for files
located on Network and Shared drives.
Norton WipeInfo will erase directory entries
only if it can get a drive lock. If the drive is
in use by another utility or by the operating
system the information in the files and folders will
be wiped, however, the directory entries may remain. When using UnErase, it may appear that the files or
folders are recoverable. In fact, the data has
been wiped. Files previously deleted from a folder before running WipeInfo on a folder will not be wiped. To insure those files
are wiped as well, use the Wipe Free Space option
in WipeInfo.
If Wipe Free Space repeatedly
restarts, open My Computer and right click on the drive you want to wipe and
select Wipe Free Space. This will run WipeInfo without the
user interface. Network and Internet connections can cause writes to the disk.
Disconnect from your network and run Wipe Free Space
to top of page
Creating a Norton Zip Rescue set now requires that you
restart your system using the Rescue Disk set, in
order to complete the set creation. Restarting your system after an update
is optional, but highly recommended.
We recommend shutting down any applications running in
the background before creating a Rescue Disk set.
Disk Manager partitions are not compatible with Rescue
Disk. Rescue Disk 4.5 does not support rescue disks created by previous versions of Norton Utilities. Please make and test a
new Rescue Disk set.
Rescue Disk requires 1.44MB 3.5” floppy diskettes for
Zip, Jaz and basic rescue sets.720K disks and
5.25” diskettes are not supported. 2.88MB and
120MB LS-120 floppy drives may be used to create
Rescue disks, but only using 1.44MB floppy diskettes. Norton Zip Rescue does
not support creating Zip Rescue sets with USB
Iomega drives. Norton Zip Rescue does not detect USB drives.
Rescue Disks cannot function properly or completely
operations in an emergency if you have not
installed the following Norton Utilities
For a Basic Rescue disk set:
Norton Utilities 2000 DOS applications
For a Norton Zip Rescue disk set:
Norton Disk Doctor
Norton UnErase Wizard
If you chose to
perform a Compact Installation, or a Custom
Installation that did not include these
components when you installed Norton Utilities, your rescue disk set may not be
Norton Zip Rescue
disks are closely tied to the operating system. If you are not using a full
release version of Windows 95 (build 950 or an OSR release) or Windows 98,
Zip Rescue may not have full functionality.
If booting the Zip Rescue Disk causes an error stating
“VFAT & DOS Volume on drive C: layouts
mismatched”, you may have boot record corruption
on the C: drive. In this case, boot from the
emergency recovery disk included with Norton Utilities. NOTE: If you’re
using Norton Your Eyes Only with the BootLock feature,
use the NYEO emergency recovery disks to recover the boot
record instead of Rescue Disk.
If your system loads virtual device drivers (VxDs)
from SYSTEM.INI, and the C: drive does not come
up, Zip Rescue may show “Error reading cluster
on drive C:” messages while booting up. Choose [Abort] or [Fail], and Zip
Rescue should continue booting.
Do not save rescue items to a compressed
floppy disk. When rescue items are stored on a
compressed floppy, the floppy cannot be used as
a boot disk.
You cannot save Rescue items to the root of any hard
disk. The Root typically contains important data
that could be overwritten.
The CMOS checkbox in the DOS Rescue Recovery
application may sometimes falsely indicate that
the CMOS should be restored. This is because some
motherboards change the CMOS values when hard drive detection
fails. If you see that the CMOS should be restored, and
you have already allowed rescue to recover it, try continuing with the recovery anyway.
SCSI drive problems: If Rescue Disk’s default set of
SCSI drive adapters does not include the one
necessary for your Zip drive, Rescue Disk
displays an error and creates a ZipAdapter*.reg file in
the Norton Utilities 2000 folder. This file can be used to modify
the registry as necessary to enable your Zip
drive. NOTE:If you have more than one Zip drive attached to a non-supported
SCSI adapter, there may be more than one of these files on your system. To fix this problem:
real-mode drivers from the manufacturer of each unsupported SCSI adapter.
Copy your
the new drivers.
Open CONFIG.SYS and CONFIG.BAK in Norton File
Compare. Find the device line(s)
that has been added to CONFIG.SYS by the SCSI driver.
ZipAdapter*.reg in Windows Explorer, where * is a number.
and choose Edit to open the file in a text editor.
The file will look something like this:
4.5\Setup\Zip Adapters\Your Adapter]
“L0”=” “
“F0”=” “
Add the line(s) from CONFIG.SYS into the *.reg file
LO key. If there are two drivers, you must add one to each line.
For example:
Add the SCSI driver file name(s) referred to in the
LO key to the F0 key. There should be no path.
For example:
- Save and close the file. It should look like this:
Norton Rescue\4.5\Setup\Zip Adapters\Your Adapter]
- Copy the driver files into the \Norton Utilities
2000 folder.
In this example, you would copy xxx.sys and yyy.sys.
- Double-click the file in Windows Explorer. The file’s information
is merged into the registry automatically.
Run Rescue Disk and the Zip/Jaz drives should
If you fail to boot a Norton Zip Rescue disk into full Windows and boot into Safe Mode instead, you can try deleting the
BOOTSAFE.TXT file from the Windows directory on
your Zip disk. This will allow Norton Zip Rescue
to try booting into full mode again. If the recovery
fails to boot into Normal Mode again, allow it to use Safe Mode.
Some customers have reported problems with Norton Zip
Rescue not functioning correctly when running in
conjunction with MagnaRAM or QEMM97. If Rescue crashes on your system, try
disabling the MagnaRAM option to see if it
clears up the problem.
Zip drives attached to PCMCIA SCSI cards are not
supported by default. Limited support is
available. To enable this, start rescue32.exe with the /PCMCIA switch. To do
this, choose Start Menu / Run, select the Browse
button, browse to the Norton Utilities 2000 directory
and select RESCUE32.EXE,and add in “/PCMCIA” at
the end. The run command would look something like:
- “c:\program files\norton utilities\rescue32.exe”
If you make significant changes to your system, such
as adding new hardware or changing your hard
drive layout, you should reset Zip Rescue and
create a new Zip Rescue set. To do this, run Rescue32 with
the “/RESET” switch. Choose Start Menu / Run, select the
Browse button, browse to the Norton Utilities 2000 directory and
select RESCUE32.EXE, and add in “/RESET” at the
end. The run command would look something like:
- “c:\program files\norton utilities\rescue32.exe” /RESET
If your Zip Rescue zip disk fills to capacity with
files that Windows requires to start, Norton
System Doctor’s Rescue sensor will no longer
turn red (since it is unable to copy any new files to
the disk). If this occurs, we recommend that you reset Zip Rescue, via the procedure outlined above.
If you start your computer with a Zip Rescue set and Windows displays
error messages or blue screens reporting that it
cannot load certain VxDs or drivers, try to
continue. In many cases, these missing files are
not essential to the operation of Zip Rescue and Recovery Wizard will still work to recover your system.
to top of page
WinDoctor in Norton Utilities 4.5 is significantly different from WinDoctor in Norton Utilities 4.0. Because of this, if you use the Run from CD feature in Norton Utilities 4.5 to run WinDoctor, the Run from CD feature for WinDoctor from Norton Utilities 4.0 will stop working. WinDoctor will still work fine if it is already
installed on the computer.
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We strongly recommend that you shut down any CPU
intensive applications prior to running Speed Disk. The SETI@Home Screen Saver and Background versions
can assume up to 97% of CPU activity. This can have adverse effects on Speed Disk.
On Drives with more than 6000 folders or
folders with more that 2000 large (>5mb) files, the initial scan will run
very slowly and may even appear to stop. you should always allow the scan to complete.
We strongly recommend that you disable any programs,
including Screen savers and power saver
features, before running Speed Disk on compressed drives. To check for
programs currently running, press Ctrl-Alt-Del ONCE. End task on all items
except for Explorer before running Speed Disk.
Speed Disk is designed to restart upon detection of
writes to the disk being optimized. Restarting
ensures the integrity of the data on the disk
during optimization. A restart may occur several times during
a single session
If Speed Disk reports that a hard drive is
configured incorrectly and the drive fails the
configuration check, the reasons for this
failure include:
The drive may have been partitioned on one PC and
moved to another PC that uses a different type of BIOS, or has a different
BIOS setup.
The BIOS may have been set up incorrectly for the
drive in question when the drive was partitioned.
The BIOS may require an update to correctly support
the hard drive.
A program other than FDISK was used to format the
Check with the BIOS manufacturer to make sure that the
BIOS supports the drive and that the BIOS is set
up correctly for that drive, and make sure you
have the latest BIOS version.
If you are certain the drive is configured and functioning correctly,
you can start Speed Disk with the /NOLBA command-line switch to prevent the
drive configuration check during one run of the program. NOTE: Use this
command-line switch ONLY if you are certain the drive is configured
correctly. For more information on hard drive configuration, contact your
drive’s manufacturer, or visit our website at http://service.symantec.com
You can force Speed Disk to skip drive
configuration checking always by adding a DWORD registry value named
NOLBACHECK under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Norton Utilities When
this is set to 1, the drive configuration check is skipped. NOTE: Set this value
ONLY if you are certain that your hard drive is configured
correctly. For more information on hard drive configuration, contact your
drive’s manufacturer, or visit our website at http://service.symantec.com
If Speed Disk needs to “Pack” your DoubleSpace or DriveSpace 2 volume, it can take several hours. You can speed up
the process by creating as much free space as possible.
Speed Disk locks the compressed volume file (CVF) while
optimizing. Whenever a CVF is locked, the operating system also
locks the host drive (and any other CVF’s on the
same host drive). Other disk programs may fail to
run on the host drive while the lock is in effect.
If Speed Disk is launched while another Norton Utilities
2000 program has a drive locked, the Start
button is grayed out. We recommend that you wait
until the other program finishes before you launch Speed Disk.
If you have unmovable files on your drive, and have
Speed Disk set to not move unmovable files,
Speed Disk may be unable to reach 100% defragmentation
of the drive.
Users of BestCrypt data encryption software from Jetico Inc. should
add a string entry in the registry to prevent Speed Disk from moving
BestCrypt system files. Launch Norton Registry Editor and create a new key under
Disk Unmovable Files” called “*.jbc” with the value to “*.jbc”.
Speed Disk can be programmed to automatically treat
certain files as being unmovable. A key can be
added in the registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Speed Disk
Unmovable Files\Attributes DWORD value x=a,
where x=drive letter and a=binary attribute
file. Developers of software programs that rely
on unmovable files for copy protection should set this key. Contact your
software manufacturer’s technical support for more assistance.
If the value for Minimum Virtual Memory is set to zero, the Swap File will not be moved to the front of drive even if
the SpeedDisk options are set to move it. You can also run Optimization
Wizard and it will optimize your Swap File settings.
to top of page
For network, CD, and compressed drives, the Disk Usage
Selection on the Drive tab is the total size of
all selected items as reported by the file
system. This does not include “slack” space (space wasted
due to the device’s cluster size), so the total amount allocated
is often slightly more than the size displayed by System Information.
If the Windows 9x Device Manager shows an improperly
configured device (represented by a yellow “!”
symbol), System Information may not be able to
display the correct information for this device. Also note that disconnected
Plug & Play devices may be reported as configured
by the Windows 9x Device Manager. System Information will
likely display a disconnected Plug & Play device as configured and active.
System Information identifies a NexGen 586 computer as
having a 386-based processor. The NexGen processor
uses a 386 instruction set.
The Total Windows Memory value (located below the pie
chart in System Information’s Memory tab) is
calculated by adding together the following
System Information reports the bus type for “hybrid
bus” systems as follows:
It may take System Information an extended amount of
time to gather information about network
resources on large networks.
Printing a report while using some versions of
Adobe Type Manager ATM may cause the reversed
text headings to print incorrectly.
The physical details for large drives
over 8.4 gigabytes may be reported incorrectly
as 1023 cylinders, 63 sectors per track, and heads
of 255.
On CD-ROM drives, the Physical
Benchmark option for drive benchmarking is disabled. To obtain similar results,
manually set the supplemental cache size to small
in Windows System Properties, and the access pattern to no read ahead for that drive,
then run the logical benchmark.
If you are using the Promise
DC4030-VL2 EIDE disk controller, and run the
drive benchmark, the computer may
hang. See the troubleshooting section of the
controller’s user manual for possible solutions, such
as using only one VESA card in the system.
To learn more about benchmarking
your computer, click Help from the System
Benchmark dialog. Please note the following:
CMOS settings can be used to enable/disable the L1
and/or L2 cache. If the CPU seems slower than it should, verify the cache
Some variation in the benchmark results is
normal. System Information is designed to exclude common outside factors,
such as active applications, disk swapping, most hardware interrupts, etc.
However, some low level system events cannot be completely factored out.
These events may cause minor variations in benchmark results.
Although your computer may be the same CPU and MHz
speed as other computers, it does not mean that it will produce the same
benchmark results. Various other factors, such as the type and speed of the
system bus and memory, and the amount and architecture of the memory cache,
are accounted for and affect the speed of your computer and the results of
the benchmark.
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The Recently Deleted Files list shows the
25 most-recently deleted files that are recoverable.
some of the files have been overwritten, you
will see fewer than 25 files in the list.
If you delete a file on a floppy disk
from an MS-DOS prompt, by specifying filename
letters after a wildcard (e.g. DEL *ILENAME.TXT as
opposed to DEL FILENAME.TXT or DEL *.TXT), then the file will be listed as Unrecoverable
on the Recently Deleted
Files page. Right-click in the center of the file list and
select “Show Unrecoverable Files”. To see if the file is actually recoverable, click Next and use the
subsequent Wizard pages to search the floppy
If Quick View is not functioning, refer to the
note under “General Points of Interest” earlier
in this document.
to top of page
Long file names are not recoverable on floppy disks.
UnFormat does not work on compressed
hard drives. On FAT32
drives, depending on the configuration of the drive and
the amount of memory in your system, UnFormat may produce a General Protection Fault due to lack of memory.
Due to the dynamics of FAT32 file systems, UnFormat
may not always detect when the cluster size has
been changed.
to top of page
Norton Utilities 2000 will accurately process prior to,
during and after the year 2000, all date-related data and dates before, on
and after January 1, 2000. Including but not limited to accurately
inputting, storing, manipulating, comparing, calculating, updating,
recording, displaying, outputting, transferring and sequencing such dates
and data.
Norton Utilities 2000 will accurately interface with
other software & hardware that uses standard date format (4digits) for
representation of the year.
Norton Utilities 2000 will correctly process calendar
dates for leap year as defined by the Gregorian calendar (note that year
2000 is a leap year).
Norton Utilities 2000 will not incur any adverse
performance degradation due to changes added to support Year 2000
Norton Utilities 2000 will provide capability for
users to readily identify and use the century in any date fields without
special processing.
Norton Utilities 2000 will accommodate date data
century recognition (4 digit years) in all date-related data fields and in
all date-related functions.
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