Section Products/FaxWare/FaxWare 4
Editing received faxes
You certainly know this problem!
You receive a fax, add some hand-written notes directly on the
document and fax it back to the sender. Of course, with a manual
fax machine! With FaxWare 4 this will be no longer necessary.
A received fax can be edited under Microsoft Windows in the fax
viewer. Simply display the fax and insert a text or graphic elements
at any place in the document. The fax viewer provides many possibilities
for this, e.g. writing fields with all installed Windows font
types, frames, boxes, etc.

You can also "hide" confidential information with this.
Simply overwrite the text passage with a "rubber" and
send the fax to the recipient. With only one mouse click you can
now return the fax directly to the sender or state another fax
Archiving: Fax files can be saved out of the fax viewer in any
directory. The files can be saved in fax format as well as
in bitmap format (BMP). Of course it is also possible to copy
certain passages of a fax file and to adopt them into a graphic
application by using the clipboard.