Section Products/FaxWare/FaxWare 4
Clear arguments
The most important question for you should be: What do I need
a server based fax solution for? First of all, you need it to
save time. You probably do not want to go to your fax machine
for each fax. It is also important that you can be reached by fax 24
hours a day without having to run several PCs with modems. Of
course the software must be easy to use. In addition, the software
should help you handling your fax costs.
Simple operation
For the user the cost of a fax transmission is not necessarily
the most important thing. He just wants to do his work which
also involves sending information via fax. Particularly for normal
users, FaxWare is a simple and clear aid. It runs practically
in the background and does not charge your workstation with many
unnecessary programs. The Frontend is not overloaded with functions.
It is clearly divided into various program functions, e.g. a separate
job, send and receive log. Creating a fax job is as easy as printing
on a printer. The few steps can be taken within seconds.

Delayed dispatch
A fax solution should in all cases allow for a delayed fax dispatch.
With FaxWare you can define the time of dispatch in several ways.
First of all you can of course send your fax job immediately,
no matter how expensive this will be! However, the user can also
let FaxWare determine the cheapest time of dispatch. This might
be some hours later when the cheap night tariff is in force. The
last possibility is to determine a fixed point in time for the
fax dispatch. In the above-mentioned cases FaxWare will carry
out the fax job at the time defined and the user will not have
to take care of it.
Redials and status reports
You certainly know this situation. You wish to send a fax and receive the
message "No response from distant station" or "Communication
Error". With FaxWare you can of course forget time-consuming redials.
The user creates the fax job and leaves the rest to FaxWare. When
all dial attempts have been carried out, he will receive the result
as a log entry, Broadcast or in the form of a protocol
Creating fax merges
Compare the costs for a fax merge to the costs for a broadcast
via mail. The differences are huge! What would be more practical
than sending your current offers via fax? It would make common
sense to use an intelligent fax solution for the creation of a
fax merge and to automatically dispatch it at a charge optimized
point in time. With FaxWare you can carry out the necessary steps
quickly and easily. Create your fax jobs either in an individual
form (fax merge) or as a broadcast. Through the easy extension
of FaxWare by further exchange lines, the software allows for
the dispatch of several thousand faxes.
Administration and maintenance
The simple maintenance of FaxWare is not only significant for
the user but also for the system supervisor. When developing this
software we set great store by a simple administration. The system
administrator will have no difficulty in working with the
FaxWare screens. In addition, FaxWare facilitates
the data maintenance through individual data purging functions.
An error log shows the system supervisor critical situations during
the FaxWare operation. Changes in the configuration can be easily carried
out directly on the server or over a Windows utility on
the workstation.
Cheap fax dispatch
A good fax solution should not only save time but also money.
Meanwhile the fax has become the most important medium for the
quick transmission of information. Of course, enormous telephone
costs will occur if faxes are sent during the day at the expensive
Generally, all countries have certain times when faxing and calling
is particularly cheap. »It is not important how much it costs,
but how much you can save with it!«. This must be your motto!
Check how much money you can save if you make the fax dispatch
a little more »intelligent«. Think about how much money
is lost when faxes are sent five minutes before a cheap tariff
comes into force. In many countries there are particularly cheap
night tariffs. If you send faxes at night, you will save money.
When sending few faxes then of course the savings will be small.
If you send hundreds, you will save an enormous sum.
Now you could think that there is consequently only one way to
save costs, namely to »educate« your employees. However,
this is really not necessary. Believe us! Your employees should
continue working as they are used to and not worry about costs.
The intelligent fax solution knows in advance the costs occuring
for a connection and therefore can »plan« the fax dispatch.
The FaxWare charges table
FaxWare has a charges table which you can extend and adapt to
your local telecom environment. This table contains all areas
with their area codes and the corresponding tariffs. For each
entry different time units can be entered. Of course the difference
between weekdays and weekends is taken into account. Holidays
with special reductions can also be entered.
When a FaxWare user creates a fax job, FaxWare will determine
the probable transmission costs by means of the fax number. If
necessary, it will suggest a cheaper point in time. This may
for example be one day later if a weekend follows and if the
fax is to be dispatched at the cheapest point in time. The fax
job will then be sent automatically at the point in time selected.
Afterwards the real transmission costs which have occured will
be displayed in the user's send log. Leave it to
FaxWare to handle your fax costs. By the way, you can also control
FaxWare. A utility included as standard allows for an optimum
evaluation of the send log according to the user, period of time,
exchange line, error status, etc.
Easy extension of the existing installation
One thing is for sure. A good fax solution meets all desired criteria
not only today but also tommorow. Also in future it has to fit
into your system environment. When we consider the factors time
and money, the significance of a future-oriented fax solution
will become even clearer. Therefore, it is important that a software
can be easily adapted to possible changes in the system environment.
Extension by additional exchange lines
You wish to firstly use a fax modem and perhaps later an additional
ISDN board? With other solutions you already would have to decide
in favor of one variant. With FaxWare this is different. Through
the clear division of the software into different layers it is
absolutely unimportant if you fax over a modem or over an ISDN
board. You can operate FaxWare at the same time with modems and
with ISDN boards and exchange the drivers at any time. The extension
by additional exchange lines is carried out quickly. By entering
a license number, you can use a new exchange line and an installation
program will configure the driver for the new fax hardware.
Extension by additional user licenses
If you wish to extend your existing installation by additional
user licenses, this will be no problem. Simply enter the license
number for the user extension in the FaxWare database. Then you
can immediately insert additional users from your network.
