PCast version 1.3 Copyright (C) 1997 Brad Evans. All Rights Reserved 1. The purpose of the program. This program connects to you news server to download pictures in JPG or GIF format and display then in a broswer type interface. All product documentation is online at http://www.iinet.com.au/~brade/pcast.html 2. How to install the program. Install this program by unzipping into a temp directory and running setup.exe This will install 2 files in the install directory and nothing at all in your Windows directory. 3. Shareware. This program is shareware as described in the splash screen. Please feel free to distribute this program (unaltered) as widely as possible. Please check the web site below to ensure you have the latest version If you have questions about PCast or require technical assistance, please visit our home page on the web. Our address is: http://www.iinet.com.au/~brade/pcast.html email brade@iinet.com.au THANK YOU ========= Thank you for using PCast. I genuinely hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed writing it!