SimpleTimer, ver. 2.0.0

[Properties] [Methods] [Events] [Stand-alone Methods]
[How To Use] [Known Bugs] [Comments]

SimpleTimer is a timer class. It has the same timer resolution as TTimer, but it is more lightweight because it's derived from TObject in stead of TComponent. Furthermore, the same handle is shared between multiple instances of SimpleTimer. This makes it ideal for developers who need a timer in their own components or applications, but want to keep the resource usage minimal.


Enabled property Enabled: Boolean;
Enables (starts) or disables (stops) the timer.
Default False
Interval property Interval: Cardinal;
The interval of the timer in millisecs.
NOTE: Specifying a value of 0 will cause the timer to stop, but will not set the Enabled property to false.
Default 1000
AutoDisable property AutoDisable: Boolean;
If true, the timer will disable itself (Enabled is set to False) immediately after the next time it fires. Useful when you want a one-shot timer.
Default False


Create constructor Create; overload
Creates a new TSimpleTimer object.
Create constructor Create(AInterval: Cardinal; AOnTimer: TNotifyEvent); overload;
Creates a new TSimpleTimer object with the specified Interval property and OnTimer event.
Destroy destructor Destroy; override;
Destroys the TSimpleTimer object.


OnTimer property OnTimer: TNotifyEvent;
Called when the timer fires.

Stand-alone Methods

GetSimpleTimerCount function GetSimpleTimerCount: Cardinal;
Returns the number of TSimpleTimer objects currently allocated.
GetSimpleTimerActiveCount function GetSimpleTimerActiveCount: Cardinal;
Returns the number of TSimpleTimer objects that are currently active (enabled).

How To Use

This example creates a SimpleTimer object, initializing Interval to 500 milliseconds and the OnTimer event to TForm1.TimerProc1, then starts the timer:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  SimpleTimer1 := TSimpleTimer.Create(500, TimerProc1);
  SimpleTimer1.Enabled := True;
This is what TimerProc1 might look like:
procedure TForm1.TimerProc1(Sender: TObject);
  ListBox1.Items.Add('SimpleTimer1 fired');
Remember to destroy the SimpleTimer object when your app. terminates.

Known Bugs


SimpleTimer is freeware. Feel free to use and improve it, but please include all original files if you redistribute the zip-file. If you have any comments or corrections I would very much like to hear them.

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Troels Jakobsen