Short description of changes, implemented in the StarCalc, version 5.6 since version 5.5 Content: I. CHANGES OF PROGRAM CORE FUNCTIONS. II. CHANGES OF PROGRAM INTERFACE. III. CHANGES OF OBJECT INTERFACES. I. CHANGES OF PROGRAM CORE FUNCTIONS. 1. Program have a new, improved interface of plugins. Plugins with old interface are supported too, however, some new functions will not work. Therefore, I highly recommend usage of new versions of plugins, which were remaded for new interface. 2. New function for saving/restoring of the program state. With help of this function you can store working parameters of the program in a file, separately or all together. The program state can be restoring any time you need from the program or can be specified as the file name in command line parameters of the program. Also, parameters of the program can be saved as default parameters, which are restored at the StarCalc start automatically. 3. Autorotation mode is changed. Now, duration of rotation step for this mode the same as setting for "time forward"/"time back" functions. Other parameters for autorotation mode (rotation direction, real time mode and image refresh rate) are setted in the new dialog window. 4. The legend in printed page can be added optionally. New "Add legend to printed page" flag is added to program parameters. 5. In the status bar, for point under mouse cursor, the hour angle value can be displayed, not only right ascension. The switch "hour angle"/ "right ascension" there is in the program parameters. (Page "Coordinates".) 6. Possibility of manual setting of Ephemeris-Universal time difference is added II. CHANGES OF PROGRAM INTERFACE. 1. If you point to an object in the sky image, you can see its short description as ToolTip. For full information about needed object, you can select object from list in the right mouse button context menu. ***Warning*** These functions are for object groups with new interface only. 2. In the dialog window of duration of rotation step you can set any values, up to 10000 days. Also, other improvements in this dialog are implemented. 3. New "Parameters of object groups" button is added into image adjustment toolbar. With help of this button you can quickly change parameters of object groups, which have support of this function. 4. Many other small improvements in program interface are implemented 5. Some of "hot" keys are changed and new keys are added. Full list of these keys you will found in the "readme.txt" file. III. CHANGES OF OBJECT INTERFACES. 1. Type of contellation names can be selected. You can select English, Latin or "Latin abbreviations" names in parameters of the "Constellation names" group. 2. Labels of planet images can be symbols or full names. Adjustment of planet labels type is implemented in parameters of "Planets" object group. 3. Images of planets are shown as disks at high magnification values. (With phases, etc.). 4. Information about objects of standard groups is extended. 5. Other improvements in interfaces and images of objects of standard groups are implemented.