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Letter from Aureate



The following is a listing of all software known to install the Aureate spy on your system. The Aureate spy keeps track of your Internet activities and sends a report to Aureate every time you open your browser. The Aureate spy places the following files on a Windows machine. It is not known, yet, to affect Macintosh or Linux machines.

 The installed files are some or all of:


Download AntiSpy program

These programs remove DLL and EXE Aureate SPY:

Download AntiSpy.exe (194KB) COKE2000 (the best) from my page.

Download Remove.exe (45KB) from Aureate Page.


Review Aureate DLL's

Here is a review of  the contents and code contained in the DLL's that Aureate makes use of.  Here are a few of my findings up to this point:

This DLL creates a hidden window every time you open your browser. It creates and sends 4 pages of information to the Aureate servers using port 1749 on your system, these pages include:

1. Your name as listed in the system registry ( not the name you installed one of the programs with )
2. Your IP address
3. The reverse DNS match of your address. ( tells them what ISP and area of country you are in )
4. A listing of ALL software that is shown in your registry as being installed.

 ( Not just the companies they work with )
5. This DLL sends the following information to their server on all URL's you visit:
      A.) ad banners you may click on
      B.) all downloads you do showing the filename/file size/date/time/type of file(image, zip,executable, etc)
      C.) full time and date stamps of all your actions while using your browser
      D.) the remote dialup number you are dialing in on (taken out of your dialer configuration)
      E.) dialup password if saved, does not "appear" at first glance to send this through to them.
6. Contains programmers note: "Show me the money! I want to be Mike!"

 Used during the installation only to check for other needed files.

 This DLL modifies the following registry keys:


Unregisterss oleaut32.dll from memory as provided by M$oft and replaces with its own calls. Switches back to M$oft's when browser is closed. Creates stub processes to be started anytime your browser is opened.

This guy tracks any multimedia clips ( video/pictures/sound ) that you view It tracks the rating level on the video/picture/sound and title / location Contains references to DblClick ( still digging on this one! )

Setups TWO way communications between your system and theirs. Used to send info and receive update commands/files. Open port 1749 for communications

 The programs that are known to install the Aureate spy are:
 3d Anarchy
 3rd block
 Abe's FTP Client
 Abe's Image Viewer
 Abe's MP3 Finder
 Abe's Picture Finder
 Abe's SMB Client
 Access Diver III
 Acorn Email
 ActionOutline Light 1.6
 Active 'Net
 Add URL
 Add/Remove Plus!
 Address Rover 98
 Admiral VirusScanner
 Advanced Call Center
 Advanced Maillist Verify
 Alive and Kicking
 alphaScape QuickPaste
 Auction Explorer
 Aureate Group Mail
 Aureate SpamKiller
 Binary Boy
 Blue Engine
 BookSmith : Original
 buddyPhone 2
 Calypso E-mail
 Capture Express 2000
 Cascoly Screensaver
 Charity Banner
 Cheat Machine
 Clabra clipboard viewer
 Classic Peg Solitaire
 ComTry Music Downloader
 Crystal FTP
 CSE HTML Validator Lite
 CuteFTP 3.0
 CuteFTP 3.0
 Danzig Pref Engine
 Delphi Component Test
 Delphi Tester
 Dialer 2000
 DigiBand NewsWatch
 DigiCams - The WebCam Viewer
 Digital Postman
 DL-Mail Pro 2000
 Doorbell 1.18
 Download Minder 1.5
 Download Wonder
 DownLoader v.1.1
 Dwyco Video Conferencing
 EmmaSoft ChatCat
 EmmaSoft dBrow
 EmmaSoft KeepLan
 EmmaSoft Soundz
 EZ-Forms FREE
 File Mag-Net
 Folder Guard Jr.
 Free Picture Harvester
 Free Solitaire
 Free Spades
 Free Submitter Pro
 GetRight (above v.3.33)
 Go!Zilla WebAttack
 Gunther's PasswordSentry
 hesci Private Label
 HTML Translator
 HTTP Proxy-Spy
 Huey v1.8 Color Picker
 Iban Technologies IP Tools 3.1
 Idyle GimmIP
 Idyle GimmIP
 iFind Graphics
 Infinite Patience
 Internet Tree
 InterWebWord Companion
 JFK Research
 JOC Email Checker
 JOC Web Finder
 JOC Web Spider
 KVT Diplom
 LapLink FTP
 LineSoft Download
 LOL Chat
 LOL Chat
 Mail Them
 Meracl FontMap
 Meracl ImageMap Generator
 Midnight Oil Solitaire
 MirNik Internet Finder
 More Space 99
 MP3 Album Finder
 MP3 Fiend
 MP3 Grouppie
 MP3 Mag-Net
 MP3 Renamer
 Mp3 Stream Recorder
 Music Genie
 MX Inspector BIG AD
 My Genie Patriots
 My Genie SE
 My GetRight
 Net CB
 Net Scan 2000
 Net Vampire
 Net-A-Car Feature Car Screensaver
 Netbus Pro 2.10
 NetCaptor 5.0
 Netman Downloader
 NetSuck 3.10.5
 NetTime Thingy
 Network Assistant
 Notificator 1.0b
 Pattern Book
 People Seek 98
 Personal Search Agent
 Pictures In News
 Ping Thingy
 ProtectX 3
 Quadzle Puzzles
 QuikLink Autobot
 QuikLink Explorer
 QuikLink Explorer Gold Edition
 Real Estate Web Site Creator
 Recipe Review
 ReGet 1.6
 Resume Detective
 RoboCam 1.10
 Rosemary's Weird Web World
 SaberQuest Page Burner
 Scout's Game
 ScreenFIRE - FileKing
 Sea Battle
 Simple Submit
 SimpleSubmit v1.0
 Smart 'n Sticky
 SmartBoard 200 FREE Edition
 SmartSum calculator
 Sound Agent
 Space Central Screen Saver
 Splash! Siterave
 Static FTP
 SunEdit 2K
 Text Transmogrifier
 The Mapper
 Total Finger
 Total Whois
 Tracking The Eye
 Trade Site Creator
 TWinExplorer Standard
 TypeWriter 1.0
 UK Phone Codes
 Vagabond's Realm
 Vertigo QSearch
 Virtual Access
 Visual Cyberadio
 Visual Surfer
 VOG Backgammon Main
 VOG Backgammon Table
 VOG Chess Main
 VOG Chess Table
 VOG Reversi Main
 VOG Reversi Table
 VOG Shell
 VOG Shell
 VOG Shell History
 Web Coupon
 Web Page Authoring Software
 Web Registrant PRO
 Web Resume
 Web SurfACE
 Website Manager
 WhoIs Thingy
 Win A Lotto
 WinEdit 2000
 WorldChat Client
 Your ESP Test
 Zip Express 2000


Webmaster: Jerzy Jucha - INNi

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