=============================================================== MP3 Boss Copyright (c) 1999-2000 OPAL Network. All Rights Reserved. MP3 Boss v0.25 and v0.35 updates a few field lengths and adds a few new fields. You will be told to run the UPDATE program if your database is in the old format. To run the update program, simply click on the Update item from your Start/Programs/MP3 Boss menu. In most cases, you will not need to change the path to either the data file or the executable. Simply click UPDATE and you are done. The update program has been tested from v0.23 and later. Updating earlier versions is untested (although it is likely that the update program will substantially update versions as early as v0.18). =============================================================== If you have any comments or questions, please contact John McCaffrey at john.t.mccaffrey@snet.net. The latest release of MP3 Boss can be found at http://www.mp3-boss.com/index.html.