Banner Studio Online Help |
Saving a Banner
Banner Studio allows you to save your banner in a Banner format (.bnr), and in a Graphics Interchange
Format (.gif). All banners must be in .gif format before being submitted to SmartAge.com; however, you
should not save your file in a .gif format until you are ready to submit your banner. Once you save your banner as a .gif,
you cannot modify your banner.
Saving a Banner as a .bnr
The first time you save your banner the Save As dialog box appears. Type the name of your banner in the File
Name entry field and click Save. Banner Studio automatically saves the file as a .bnr. The bnr. file format
allows you to make changes to your banner. When you are finished creating your banner, you can save it as a .gif.
Saving a Banner as a .gif
Before you upload your banner to SmartAge.com, you must save it as a GIF. To save your banner as a .gif:
- Open your .bnr file
- Click File > Save Asà . The Save As dialog box appears.
- Type the name of your file (it can be the same as your .bnr file) in the File Name entry field.
- Select GIF Files from the Files of Type drop-down list.
- Click Save.
To modify your file AFTER you have saved it as a .gif, open your .bnr file, make the necessary changes, and
follow the steps above. Banner Studio asks you if you want to replace the existing banner. Click Yes.
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