In addition to highlighting changes within pages, Webspector can also highlight a set of user-defined keywords. Stock monitoring is a perfect application for this feature. For example, let's say your portfolio consisted of 'AGID', 'INTC', and 'MSFT', and you wanted to keep track of their current values. To accomplish this, you would jump to the 'Advanced Features' tab in the Add/Edit URL window for the page you were monitoring, enable the 'Keyword Highlighting' checkbox, and then type in the three stock symbols. Thus, in subsequent retrievals, if any of these symbols appeared on the page, they would be highlighted so that you could easily distinguish them from the hundreds of other symbols!
Of course, Webspector also gives you the option of opening a page in your default browser. To launch an opened page in a new browser window, click the 'New Browser' button located at the top of the page.
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