46 Activate or open the required map window 2086 Item 2088 One of the destinations could not be integrated into the routing plan 4174 Others,..., 4175 Others,...,4 4176 Not used 4218 You can select the object 4219 by right click with the mouse. 4235 Country 4236 Postcode 4237 Main town 4238 District 4239 X 4240 Y 4241 Designation 4277 The customer table 4278 could not be opened 4279 The location database could not be opened 4284 Geocoding process is running ... 4285 Geocoding process finished. 4286 Geocoding 4339 Please select exactly one object in the map. 4340 Please open a map windows and select one object in the map. 4341 There are no records inside the data table. This operation could not be completed. 4364 Geocoding the data table 6353 Map editor 8247 Unknown 10264 Postcode 10265 Main town 10266 District 10281 Unknown 10282 Information 10283 The maximum value is smaller than the minimum value. 10284 Postcode 10285 Main town 10286 District 10287 Selected objects 10288 Number of next objects 10289 Selection: 10290 Distance 10291 Database 10292 Description 10293 Details 10294 No additional information available 10295 - Not available - 10306 Legend 10307 Legend 10309 Surrounding area 10310 No next objects found 10311 and more 10312 to 10313 or less 10314 Colour of surroundig circle 12289 Expand the windows to normal size 12290 Open map 12291 Close map 12292 Seach by town 12293 Zoom out 12294 Zoom in 12295 Redraw 12296 Total view 12297 Show selected object 12298 Navigation 12299 Select object 12300 Additional information 12301 Selected object 12302 Font 12303 Map 12306 Search for a location 12307 Zoom out 12308 Zoom in 12309 Redraw map 12310 Draw previous map 12311 Total view 12312 Center map to the selected object 12314 Print map 12320 Activate or select the desired window 12321 Destination to the selected object 12322 km 12323 Print map header 12324 Printing 12325 Transferring the data to the printer.... 12331 Additive selection 12332 Group selection 12333 Additive group selection 12337 No object selected 12341 Scale 12342 Settings map window 14379 Not enogh main memory avalilable to complete this operation. Please close other applications and retry. 14380 This operation is invalid or could no be initialised correctly. 14381 Error accessing the hard drive. Please check available drive space or function. 16398 Max 16399 route stops allowed. 16404 At least two stops for the calculation needed. 18400 Load 18401 Calculate directions 18402 Create road map 18403 Calculate directions 18404 sort out 18405 Internal erreor 18406 Invalid parameter 18407 The distlib is not loaded 18408 End of list 18409 Invalid data version 18435 Distlib not available 18436 The 18437 . entry is invalid. 18438 Mapdata not avaliable 18439 A valid route could not be found. 18440 The routing algorithm could not be initialized 18441 near by 18442 straight ahed 18443 half to the left 18444 to the left 18445 to the left 18446 The routing algorithm could not be initialised. Please close other apllications. 18447 half to the right 18448 to the right 18449 to the right 18450 N 18451 E 18452 S 18453 W 18454 min. time for rest 18455 (P) 18456 (A) 18457 Rest ( 18458 min) 18459 buffer time 18460 to 18461 on 18462 keep going 18463 Printing the roadmap 18464 Roadmap 18465 Page 18466 of 18478 Segment-No. 18479 does not exist 18480 LKW wassergefährdend, Gefahrgut, Fahrwegbestimmung 18481 LKW wassergefährdend, Gefahrgut 18482 LKW Gefahrgut 18483 LKW wassergefährdend 18484 LKW 18485 not defined 18486 below 5% 18487 6% - 10% during the next 500m 18488 6% - 10% during more than the next 500m 18489 > 10% during the next 500m 18490 > 10% during more than the next 500m 18491 Calculate route 18492 . iteration 18493 No additional maps possible. 18494 The object class 18495 is redundant. 18496 Please call the Hotline. 18498 benötigt zum korrekten Ablauf die Darstellungsklasse 18499 , diese ist aber nicht installiert. 18500 Die Tabelle 18501 der Darstellungsklasse 18505 No previous map windows available. 18506 The map window could not be initialised. Please check if all maps are installed properly. 18507 Der gemeinsame Parameterblock der Ebene 18508 wird mehrfach benutzt. 18524 This record already exist. Overwrite ? 18528 Not entrys found. 18529 Map result 18530 Seach by town 18531 All 18533 could not be saved. 18564 Please enter a name. 18565 Delete this entry ? 18566 This entry does not exist. 18576 Internal erroe No. 18577 The routing algorithm could not be initialized. 18578 LKW Gefahrgut, Fahrwegbestimmung 18579 The roadmap could not be completed. 18580 Error accessing the harddrive. 18581 The roadmap is to extensive. Please insert at the 18582 . location of the list 18583 another stoppin-off point. 18584 and the 18585 entry is bound to the same data point. No routing possible though. 18586 Crossing the border. 18587 2. start-off point 18588 1. start-off point 18589 Only 8 characters allowed. 18590 does not exist 18591 do not use 18594 Not enogh main memory available. 18598 at 18599 to 18600 stay on 18601 stay on 18602 ahead to 18603 ahead to 18604 stay on the left lane 18605 stay on the left lane 18606 turn 18607 turn 18608 turn 18609 turn 18610 turn to the left 18611 turn to the right 18612 stay on the right lane 18613 stay on the right lane 18614 Drive back 18615 drive back 18616 Take the 18617 take the 18618 Entry not found 18619 : select text field 18620 Search the route corridor 18625 Search the route corridor 18626 This file name is invalid (not 8:3). 18660 The map inside the directory 18661 is invalid. 18663 To correct the problem, geocode the data again. 20000 Username invalid. 20001 Password invalid 20050 This operation 20051 is not possible at this moment, because another operation is already running. 20052 close all sessions. 20053 Proceed anyway ? 20054 The program could not be started. 20055 Exclusive operation. 20056 End of program 30000 The data table 30001 could not be loaded, because the name is already in use. 30002 could not be loaded, because the name is already in use. 30003 unknown 30004 Printer not available 30005 MapServer printout 30006 Accept 30007 Searchform 30008 Selected objects 30009 Search database not found. 30010 No suggestions. Please use the database. 30011 Cancel 30012 MapServer printout 30013 Data 30014 Print record 30015 The file 30016 is not installed. The MapServer could not be initialised. 30017 The database 30018 to recalculate the coordinates could not be found. 30019 The MapServer is not running. 30020 Mapping data 30021 Travel information 30022 Holiday information 30023 Shopping information 30024 POS information 30025 Hotels, Bars and Restaurants 30040 Please choose the main town first. 30100 Other data 30101 Another application is currently using the MapServer. 30102 Search result 30103 records 65440 %s kann nicht zu %s zugewiesen werden 65441 Datei %s kann nicht erstellt werden 65442 Datei %s kann nicht geöffnet werden 65443 Stream-Read-Fehler 65444 Stream-Write-Fehler 65445 Der Index der Liste überschreitet das Maximum (%d) 65446 Die Kapazität der Liste ist erschöpft (%d) 65447 Zu viele Einträge in der Liste (%d) 65448 Operation bei sortierten Stringlisten nicht erlaubt 65449 In der Stringliste sind Duplikate nicht erlaubt 65450 Ungültiger Wert der Eigenschaft 65456 November 65457 Dezember 65458 So 65459 Mo 65460 Di 65461 Mi 65462 Do 65463 Fr 65464 Sa 65465 Sonntag 65466 Montag 65467 Dienstag 65468 Mittwoch 65469 Donnerstag 65470 Freitag 65471 Samstag 65472 Jul 65473 Aug 65474 Sep 65475 Okt 65476 Nov 65477 Dez 65478 Januar 65479 Februar 65480 März 65481 April 65482 Mai 65483 Juni 65484 Juli 65485 August 65486 September 65487 Oktober 65488 Variante ist kein Array 65489 Varianten-Array-Index außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs 65490 Externe Exception %x 65491 Bedingungsfehler 65492 Interface wird nicht unterstützt 65493 %s (%s, Zeile %d) 65494 Abstrakter Fehler 65495 Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse %p in Modul '%s' %s von Adresse %p 65496 Fehler von Win32. Code: %d.\n%s 65497 Eine Win32 API-Funktion ist fehlgeschlagen 65498 Jan 65499 Feb 65500 Mär 65501 Apr 65502 Mai 65503 Jun 65504 Ungültige Zeigeroperation 65505 Ungültige Typumwandlung 65506 Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse %p. %s von Adresse %p 65507 Stack-Überlauf 65508 Strg-C gedrückt 65509 Priviligierte Instruktion 65510 Exception %s im Modul %s bei %p.\n%s%s 65511 Anwendungsfehler 65512 Format '%s' ungültig oder inkompatibel mit Argument 65513 Kein Argument für Format '%s' 65514 Typkonvertierung von Variant ungültig 65515 Ungültige Variantenoperation 65516 Varianten-Methodenaufrufe werden nicht unterstützt 65517 Lesen 65518 Schreiben 65519 Fehler beim Erzeugen von Varianten-Array 65520 Speicher reicht nicht aus 65521 I/O-Fehler %d 65522 Datei nicht gefunden 65523 Ungültiger Dateiname 65524 Zu viele Dateien geöffnet 65525 Dateizugriff verweigert 65526 Lesen nach Dateiende (EOF) 65527 Kapazität der Diskette/Festplatte erschöpft 65528 Ungültige numerische Eingabe 65529 Division durch Null 65530 Bereichsüberschreitung 65531 Integer-Überlauf 65532 Fehler bei Fließkommaoperation 65533 Fließkommadivision durch Null 65534 Überlauf bei Fließkommaoperation 65535 Unterlauf bei Fließkommaoperation