1 Document Securit&y... 2 Document Security 3 Secure documents with Entrust 4 Encrypt and Sign... 5 Encryption 6 Encrypt and sign current document 7 Select Recipients... 8 Recipients 9 Select recipients for encrypted documents 10 Security Information... 11 Security Information 12 Display security information for each document 13 Secure Delete... 14 Secure Delete 15 Delete files such that they cannot be recovered 16 Settings... 17 Settings 18 Change default security settings 25 WARNING!\nThe file "%1" that you are about to create exists on disk.\nWould you like to overwrite the file on disk 26 Archive %1 contains more than one file.\nUse Entrust Client to decrypt and verify. 27 There are no files in the archive %1. 28 The specified location does not exist.\nDo you want to create it? 29 Please select a user profile. 30 Please enter a password. 31 Login attempt failed.\n%1 32 WARNING!\nLogging off will close all encrypted files that are open.\nWould you still like to log off? 33 Distinguished Name: %1\n%2 34 WARNING!\nYou will not be able to recover the files.\nDo you wish to proceed? 35 WARNING!\nFile is being saved unencrypted.\nDo you still want to do this? 36 Save changes to %1? 37 Save changes to Document%1? 38 Cannot delete archive source file %1. 39 Entrust initialization file not found:\n%1 40 Client type is invalid in your Entrust initialization file:\n%1 41 Cannot delete archive source file %1.\nFor archive source files to be deleted, you must first close the\nassociated documents before exiting WordPerfect. 42 WordPerfect must be restarted for changes to take effect. 43 You are not logged in to the Entrust system.\nCancel the current operation and begin again. 44 WARNING!\nUser info has changed. The current user will be logged off.\nPlease use the logon and logoff through the WordPerfect Entrust dialog. 45 Cannot register %1:\nAll third-party DLL slots are used up in the registry. 46 No matching people found. 47 WARNING!\nYou have selected more than fifty names to add to your recipient list.\nValidating the certificates for these recipients could take several minutes.\nDo you want to proceed? 48 WARNING!\nYou can only Encrypt or Sign native WordPerfect file formats. 60 Entrust Profiles (*.epf)*.epfAll Files (*.*)*.* 61 Select Entrust User Profile 62 \n Name: %1 \n Distinguished Name: "%2" \n Certification Authority: "%3" \n Encryption public key certificate validity period: \n From: %4 \n To: %5 \n 63 All Files (*.*)*.* 64 Files to Delete 65 Recipient Error 66 Entrust Encrypted Files (*.wpe)*.wpe 67 Entrust Signed Files (*.wps)*.wps 68 WordPerfect Documents (*.wpd)*.wpd 69 Document Name 70 Archive Name 71 Encrypted 72 Signed 73 Signed By 74 Certified By 75 File Path 76 Archive Path 77 Yes 78 No 79 Sunday 80 Monday 81 Tuesday 82 Wednesday 83 Thursday 84 Friday 85 Saturday 86 January 87 February 88 March 89 April 90 May 91 June 92 July 93 August 94 September 95 October 96 November 97 December 98 File