Using WordPerfect Office file management boxes WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes let you perform many file management tasks. You can use these boxes to work with files and folders; for example, you can move, copy, and rename files and folders and create shortcuts. The documentation for WordPerfect Office file management boxes is available in ASCII text format in Corel/Shared/Help on the WordPerfect Office CD. In this section, you'll learn about working with files and folders previewing files printing and viewing file lists using favorites mapping a network drive opening Internet and intranet pages disabling WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes Working with files and folders WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes let you work with files and folders. You can create folders for files. You can move, copy, and rename files and folders. You can also create shortcuts to folders and files you use often. You can search for files using WordPerfect Office dialog boxes, and you can change the file management box display. To create a folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose the drive or folder where you want to create the folder. 3 Click File New Folder. 4 Type a name for the folder, and press ENTER. Tips You can also create a folder by right-clicking the file list or folder list, and clicking New. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To move a file or folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder. 3 Click Edit Move to folder. 4 Choose the folder or drive to which you want to move the file. Tips To move multiple files or folders, press CTRL and click each file or folder. To choose a range of files or folders, click the file or folder at one end of the range, press SHIFT, and click the file or folder at the other end of the range. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To copy a file or folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder. 3 Click Edit Copy to folder. 4 Choose the folder or drive to which you want to copy the file. Note If you move or copy a folder, any subfolders or files it contains are also moved or copied. Tips You can also copy a file or folder by opening Windows Explorer and dragging the file or folder to another drive or folder. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To rename a file or folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder. 3 Click File Rename. 4 Type a new name, and press ENTER. Tips You can also rename a file or folder by right-clicking it, clicking Rename, and typing a new filename. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To create a file or folder shortcut 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder. 3 Click File Create shortcut. Tips You can also create a shortcut by right-clicking a file or folder, and clicking Create shortcut. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To change file or folder properties 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder. 3 Click File Properties. 4 Modify the settings of the properties you want to change. Tips You can also change the properties of a file or folder by right-clicking a file or folder, clicking Properties, and modifying the settings. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To find a file 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a drive or folder in which you want to search. 3 Type the filename in the Filename box. 4 Click Find now. Note You can use wildcards, such as the question mark (?) and asterisk (*), to search for similar files. For example, searching for C:\FILES\OCT??.wpd results in a list of all .wpd filenames in the FILES folder on the C: drive that begin with OCT and are followed by any two characters. Searching for C:\FILES\*.wpd results in a list of all .wpd files in the FILES folder on the C: drive. You must specify a file extension or use a wildcard for the file extension. Tips You can narrow a file search by choosing a file type and by selecting the date on which the file was last modified. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To change the file management box display 1 Click File Open. 2 Click View, and click one of the following: Large icons Small icons List Details Thumbnails Tips You can also change the file management display by clicking the Views button on the toolbar and clicking a display setting. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. Previewing files You can preview a file. You can set options for previewing a file. You can separate the Preview window from a file management dialog box so that you can view the file separately. You can also print a file while in the Preview window. You can preview a variety of file types including the following: WordPerfect (.wpd) Quattro Pro (.qpw and .wb3) Corel Presentations (.shw) WordPerfect Graphics, version 2 (.wpg) ASCII text files (.txt) Word Documents (.doc) To preview a file 1 Click File Open. 2 Click the Preview button on the toolbar. 3 From the Look in list box, choose the file you want to preview Note You cannot view password-protected files unless you specify the password. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To set options for previewing a file 1 Click File Open. 2 Click the Preview button on the toolbar. 3 From the Look in list box, choose the file you want to preview. 4 Right-click the Preview window, and click Size, and click one of the following: Original size-displays the file the same size as the original within the Preview window Window-displays the entire file in the window within the Preview window Window width-displays the file so the entire width is visible within the Preview window Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To separate the Preview window from a file management dialog box 1 Click File Open. 2 Right-click the Preview window, and click Use separate window. Tips You can also separate the Preview window by clicking View Preview Use separate window. Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To print a file in the Preview window 1 Click File Open. 2 From the Look in list box, choose the file you want to preview. 3 Click Preview. 4 Right-click the Preview window, and click Print. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. Printing and viewing file lists You can print a list of the files and folders displayed in WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes. You can also print or view only selected files and folders in a file list. To print or view a file list 1 Click File Open. 2 Click File Print file list. 3 Enable one of the following options: Send to printer-sends the file list to your currently selected printer Display in WordPad-displays the file list in WordPad Copy to clipboard-copies the file list to the Clipboard in Rich text format If you want the folders in the file list printed as well, enable the Print entire list option, and enable the Include folders in list check box. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To print or view only selected files and folders in a file list 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose the files and folders you want to print or view. 3 Click File Print file list. 4 Enable one of the following options: Send to printer-sends the file list to your currently selected printer Display in WordPad-displays the file list in WordPad Copy to clipboard (RTF format)-copies the file list to the Clipboard 5 Enable the Print list of selected entries option. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. Using Favorites You can add a shortcut to a Favorites folder. You can open a file or folder in a Favorites folder. You can also delete a shortcut from a Favorites folder. To add a shortcut to a Favorites folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Choose a file or folder for which you want to add a shortcut. 3 Click Favorites Add, and click one of the following: Add favorite folder-adds the entire folder to the Favorites folder Add favorite item-adds the selected file to the Favorites folder Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To open a file or folder in a Favorites folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Click Favorites Go to/from favorites. 3 Double-click a file or folder. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To delete a shortcut from a Favorites folder 1 Click File Open. 2 Click Favorites Go to/from favorites. 3 Choose a shortcut. 4 Click File Delete. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. You can also delete a shortcut by clicking the Delete button on the toolbar. Mapping a network drive You can map a network drive so that you can access a file server. You can also disconnect a network drive. To map a network drive 1 Click File { bmct onestep.bmp} Open. 2 Click Tools Map network drive. 3 Choose a drive from the Drive list box. 4 Type the network path to the file server. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To disconnect a network drive 1 Click File Open. 2 Click Tools Disconnect network drive. 3 Choose a network drive. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. Opening Internet and intranet pages You can open Internet and intranet pages. You can also set a home page. To open Internet or intranet pages 1 Click File Open. 2 Click the Corel Web site button. 3 In the Filename box, type the URL for the Internet or intranet page you want to open. 4 Click ENTER. Note You must have an Internet browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer installed on your computer to view and open Internet or intranet pages. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To set a home page 1 Click File Open. 2 Click the Corel Web site button. 3 In the Filename box, type the URL for the Internet or intranet page you want to open. 4 Click ENTER. 5 Click Internet Set home page. The currently displayed page becomes your home page. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. Disabling WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes WordPerfect, Corel Presentations, and Quattro Pro, by default, use the WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes. If you are more comfortable with the default Windows file management dialog boxes, you can use them from inside WordPerfect, Corel Presentations, and Quattro Pro instead. You can disable WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes in WordPerfect, in Corel Presentations, and in Quattro Pro. To disable WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes in WordPerfect 1 Click Tools Settings Files. 2 Click the Document tab. 3 Disable the Use enhanced file dialogs check box. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To disable WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes in Corel Presentations 1 Click Tools Settings Environment. 2 Click the Options tab. 3 Disable the Use enhanced file dialogs check box. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation. To disable WordPerfect Office file management dialog boxes in Quattro Pro 1 Click Tools Settings. 2 Click File options. 3 Disable the Use enhanced file dialogs check box. Tip Not all operating systems have the menu options, buttons, and controls described in this documentation.