1 End of file 2 File read failure 3 File write failure 4 File open failure 5 Could not delete file 6 Out of memory 7 End of file 8 Beginning of file 9 File format is not correct 10 Could not reposition in file 11 Command not implemented 12 Record not found 13 End of field list 14 Could not rename file 15 Invalid field name 16 Could not close file 17 Field list does not exist 18 Could not create file 19 File format is not WordPerfect 5.x 20 File is empty 21 Too many fields defined for file 22 Directory does not exist 23 The record is too big - possiblly corrupted file. 100 Unknown error code 200 Secondary Merge 201 Ascii 202 File 203 Character 204 WordPerfect 5.0 205 WordPerfect 5.1