Copyright (c) 1999 by
$Date: 1999/03/26 21:21:02 $ $Revision: 1.7 $
XMLNews-Story is an XML 1.0 document type for news information. It is a simplified version of the News Industry Text Format (NITF) document type created by the International Press Telecommunications Council and the Newspaper Association of America.
For the latest version of XMLNews-Story, please visit the XMLNews web site.
a, audio, audio.caption,, audio.producer, base, block, body, body.content, body.end, body.head, bq, br, byline, bytag, caption, chron, city, copyrite, copyrite.holder, copyrite.year, country, credit, datasource, dateline, dd, denom, distributor, dl, dt, em, event, frac, function, h1, h2, h3, h4, head, hedline, hl1, hl2, img, img.caption,, img.producer, lang, lh, li, location, money,, name.given, nitf, num, numer, object.title, ol, org, orgid, p, person, pre, pronounce, q, region, series, state,, sub, sublocation, sup, table, tagline, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, title, tr, ul, video, video.caption,, video.producer, virtloc
: Hyperlink anchorThe a element represents a hypertext link to another location:
<p>The new release will be available from the <a href="">JavaSoft web site</a> next week.</p>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
The URL of the web page (or fragment) that should appear when the user actives the link. For printed text, the value of this attribute may appear as a footnote or in parenthese after the contents of the a element, or it may simple be ignored.
Default: #REQUIRED
The a element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Audio clipThis element allows authors to include an audio clip in a news story:
<audio src="" length="00:02:39"> <audio.caption> <caption><person>Ace Freelance</person> reports on the flooding.</caption> </audio.caption> <audio.producer> <byline> <bytag>ACME News</bytag> </byline> </audio.producer> < copyright="Copyright (c) 1998 by ACME News"/> </audio>
(audio.caption?, audio.producer?,
The URL of the file containing the audio clip.
Default: #REQUIRED
The playing time of the audio clip, in HH:MM:SS format.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Audio clip captionThis element provides an optional caption for an audio clip. See audio for more information.
: Audio clip dataThis element uses its copyright attribute to provide a copyright statement for the audio clip.
The copyright statement for the audio clip.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Audio clip producerThis element provides optional information about the producer of an audio clip using one or more byline elements. See audio for more information.
: Document base URLThis optional element, which appears only in the document header, allows the author to specify a base URL for resolving relative links in the document (see the a element):
<head> <title>News Highlights</title> <base href=""/> <head>
This element is especially useful if a story is likely to be moved around, since relative links will always point back to the correct location.
The base URL for resolving relative links in the document.
Default: #REQUIRED
: Information blockThis element marks up a separate block of information within a news story: the information may optionally have its own dateline and copyright information. This element is especially useful for including a series of short news summaries, tables, or multimedia information in a document:
<block> <dateline>Toronto, Canada</dateline> <audio src="" length="00:02:39"> < copyright="Copyright (c) 1999 by ACME News"/> </audio> </block>
(dateline?, copyrite?, (img | audio | video | p | ol | ul | dl | table | bq | pre)*, datasource?)
: Body of the news storyThe body element contains the main body of the news story, including all printable information. This element contains three parts:
(body.head?, body.content?, body.end?)
: Main content of a news storyWithin the body element, this element contains the main part of a news story, excluding the front and back matter.
: End information for a news storyThis element contains the optional tagline for a news story.
: Printable header information for a news storyThis element contains printable header information for a news story, including the headline, byline, and dateline.
(hedline?, byline*, distributor?, dateline?, series?)
: Block quotationAuthors may use this element to represent a block quotation (block quotations are often printed as separate, indented paragraphs):
<bq> <block> <p>More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.</p> </block> <credit>Woody Allen</credit> </bq>
: Line BreakThis empty element allows for hard-coded line breaks, as in HTML.
The br element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Story bylineA news story may have one or more bylines, as may an audio clip, an image, or a video clip:
<byline> <bytag>Steve Holland</bytag> </byline>
The byline element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
audio.producer, body.head, img.producer, video.producer
: Tag in a byline.Each byline element contains exactly one bytag, which contains text naming the person or organisation receiving credit.
: CaptionAuthors may use the caption element to provide text describing a table, audio clip, image, or video clip:
<caption>NFL scores for Sunday, January 17 1999.</caption>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
The caption element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
audio.caption, img.caption, table, video.caption
: Date and timeAuthors may use this element inline to tag any words or phrases that refer to specific times:
<p><chron norm="19990107">Today</chron>, <person>Bill Clinton</person> spoke to reporters about the situation in Iraq.</p>
The value of this attribute contains the normalized date and time, if available. The first eight characters of the norm attribute's value represent the date in YYYYYMMDD format, followed optionally by the letter T and the 24-hour time in HHMM[SS] format, followed by Z for Universal (Greenwich) Time or a +/- offset for any other time.
For example, 9:00AM on December 25, 1999 in New York city would appear as 19991225T0900-0500 or as 19991225T1400Z.
This attribute allows the receiver to perform automatic conversions to local time.
Default: #IMPLIED
The chron element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: CityTag a municipality name within a location; for more information, see the city element.
: Copyright statementAuthors may use this element to tag an inline copyright statement:
<p><copyrite>Copyright <copyrite-year>1999</copyrite-year> by <copyrite-holder>The Daily News</copyrite-holder>. All rights reserved.</copyrite></p>
(#PCDATA | copyrite.year | copyrite.holder)*
The copyrite element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, block, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Copyright holderTag the name of the copyright holder within a copyrite element.
: Copyright yearTag the year within a copyright element.
: Country nameTag the name of a sovereign country within a location element.
: Quotation creditAuthors may use this element to provide the optional credit for a quotation; see bq for an example.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Block data sourceAuthors may use this element to specify the source of the information in a block element:
<block> <h2>Clinton Prepares For Congress On Two Fronts</h2> <p>The White House on Monday tried to quell momentum in the U.S. Senate toward calling witnesses in President Clinton's impeachment trial as the president stuck studiously to preparing for his State of the Union speech.</p> <datasource>Reuters</datasource> </block>
This element is especially useful for a collection of news summaries from different sources.
: DatelineProvide a dateline for a news story or a block within a story:
<dateline> <location><city>Bangkok</city></location> <>May 31, 1999</> </dateline>
: Descriptive dataAuthors may use this element to provide a description or definition for part of a dl element:
<dd> <block> <p>The shortfall in a single budget.</p> </block> </dd>
: DenominatorThis element contains the denominator in a frac element.
: News distributorAuthors may use this element to specify the primary distributor of the news story in the body.head element:
<distributor><org>Canadian Press</org></distributor>
(#PCDATA | org)*
: Descriptive listThe dl element encodes a descriptive list, such as a glossary, with an optional list header:
<dl> <lh>Some economic terms:</lh> <dt>deficit</dt> <dd> <block> <p>The shortfall in a single budget.</p> </block> </dd> <dt>debt</dt> <dd> <block> <p>All of the money the country owes as a result of its accumulated deficits.</p> </block> </dd> </dl>
: Description titleAuthors may use this element to tag the title, or glossary item in a dl element:
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Emphasized phraseThe em element tags an emphasized phrase inline:
<p><q>We will <em>certainly</em> see losses,</q> he said.</p>
The em element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Event nameThis element marks the name of any sort of event:
<p>The tech sector is nervously watching the <event>Microsoft trial</event>.</p>
The event element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: FractionThe frac element contains a fraction within a num element:
<p>The stock opened at <num>51 <frac><numer>15</numer> <denom>16</denom></frac></num></p>
: Person's functionThe function element allows authors to tag the job title, role, activity, or other function that a person performs:
<p>Mourners left flowers to pay their respects to <person>Diana</person>, the <function>Princess of Wales</function>.</p>
The function element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, person, q, tagline, td, th
: Level one headingThe h1 element contains a level-one heading in the body of the text:
<h1>Stock Prices</h1>
Note that this is not the same as the headline; for a headline, see the hl1 element.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Level two headingThe h2 element contains a level-two heading in the body of the text:
<h2>Tech Stocks</h2>
Note that this is not the same as a subheadline: for a subheadline, see the hl2 element.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Level three headingThe h3 element contains a level-three heading in the body of the text:
<h3>Internet Stocks</h3>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Level four headingThe h4 element contains a level-four heading in the body of the text:
<h4>Database Vendors</h4>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Document headerThe head element contains the non-printable front section of a news story, which contains a plain-text title for the story, together with an optional base URL for resolving relative links:
<head> <title>Internet Stocks Fall</title> <base href=""/> </head>
The body.head element contains the printable frontmatter for the news story.
: Story headline groupThe hedline element contains the headline and (optionally) subheadlines of a news story:
<hedline> <hl1>Snow, Freezing Rain Batter U.S. Northeast</hl1> <hl2>Several deaths on roads</hl2> </hedline>
: Story headlineThe hl1 element contains the main headline for a news story. See the hedline element for details.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Story subheadlineThe hl2 element contains a subheadline for a news story. See hedline for more information.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: ImageThe img element contains an image (such as a diagram or photograph):
<img src="welcome.jpg"> <img.caption> <caption>Welcome to our web site.</caption> </img.caption> <img.producer> <byline> <bytag>Produced by Web Designs Unlimited</bytag> </byline> </img.producer> < copyright="Produced by Web Designs Unlimited"/> </img>
An img must always appear within a block or td element.
(img.caption?, img.producer?,
The src attribute provides the URL for the file containing the image.
Default: #REQUIRED
The optional width attribute provides the width of the image in pixels.
Default: #IMPLIED
The optional height attribute provides the height of the image in pixels.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Image captionThe optional img.caption element contains the caption for an image. See img.
: Image dataThe element holds the copyright statement for an image in its copyright attribute. See img.
The copyright attribute.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Image producerThe optional img.producer element provides a production credit for the image. See img for an example.
: Foreign language phraseThe lang element marks a phrase in a language different from the main body text; the lang attribute allows you to identify the language of the phrase, if desired:
<p><person>Michael Jordan</person>, <function>le basketteur vedette</function> aux six titres de champion <org>NBA</org> avec les <org><lang lang="en">Chicago Bulls</lang></org>, a annoncĪ officiellement <chron norm="19990113">mercredi</chron> sa retraite sportive.</p>
This element is also useful for distinguishing different variants of the same language:
<p>The police found the money in the <lang lang="en-US">trunk</lang>, or <lang lang="en-UK">boot</lang>.</p>
The lang attribute contains the ISO 639/RFC 1766 language code with an optional geographic identifier, such as en for English, or de-CH for Swiss German.
Default: #IMPLIED
The lang element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: List headerThe lh element contains an optional header for a list:
<ol> <lh>EU Founding Members</lh> <li> <block> <p>Belgium</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>France</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Germany</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Italy</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Luxembourg</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Netherlands</p> </block> </li> </ol>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: List itemThe li element represents a list item in an ordered list (ol) or unordered list (ul):
<li> <block> <p>Luxembourg</p> </block> </li>
: Location in storyThe location element tags a geographical location in the text. The element may contain plain text together with special sublocation, city, state (for a state, province, or other similar administrative district), region, and country subelements for more specific tagging (if desired):
<p>He spoke on the history of <location><region>Great Lakes basin</region></location> at the <location><sublocation>Royal Ontario Museum</sublocation> in <city>Toronto</city></location>.</p>
(#PCDATA | sublocation | city | state | region | country)*
The location element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dateline, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Monetary phraseTag any monetary item. If desired, you may use the optional unit attribute to specify the currency, as in the following example:
<p>The property changed hands for <money unit="USD">$549,000</money>.</p>
The currency used for the monetary item, in ISO 4217 format (i.e. USD for American dollars or EUR for the Euro.
This attribute allows the receiver to perform automatic conversions to local currency.
Default: #IMPLIED
The money element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Family nameThe element contains the family name, or surname, or a person mentioned in a news story. See person for more information.
: Given nameThe name.given element contains the given name (or first name in North American and European usage) of a person mentioned in a news story. See person for more information.
: XMLNews-Story root elementThe nitf element is the root of every XMLNews-Story document: the first tag in every story must be the nitf start tag, and the last tag must be the nitf end tag.
This attribute provides the base language of the news story in ISO 639/RFC 1766 format; see lang for more information.
Default: #IMPLIED
This is a #FIXED
attribute (it may not be modified)
providing the change date of the DTD used.
The value for this attribute is specified in the DTD, and does not need to be provided in the document itself.
Default: #FIXED "$Date: 1999/03/26 21:21:02 $"
This is a #FIXED
attribute (it may not be modified)
providing the last time this version of the DTD was changed.
The value for this attribute is specified in the DTD, and does not need to be provided in the document itself.
Default: #FIXED "0000"
A unique identification string for the story.
Default: #IMPLIED
This is a #FIXED
attribute (it may not be modified)
providing the version of the DTD used.
The value for this attribute is specified in the DTD, and does not need to be provided in the document itself.
Default: #FIXED "-//XMLNews//DTD XMLNEWS-STORY $Revision: 1.7 $//EN"
The nitf element is not allowed in any parent elements: it must be the root element of an XML document.
: Numeric expressionThe num element tags a numeric expression in the text. This element is more useful for rendering than for searching: in particular, it allows the special subelements sup for representing superscripts, sub for representing subscripts, and frac (with numer and denom) for representing fractions:
<p>The stock opened at <num>51 <frac><numer>15</numer> <denom>16</denom></frac></num></p>
The num element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: NumeratorThe numerator in a fraction; see frac for more information.
: Object titleThe object.title element tags the title of an object (such as a book, song, movie, etc.) in the text. This element allows only text as its content, so it is not possible to markup up titles within titles:
<p>Some analysts compared the recent events to the film <object.title>Wag the Dog</object.title>.</p>
The object.title element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Ordered listThe ol element contains an ordered list (see also ul:
<ol> <lh>EU Founding Members</lh> <li> <block> <p>Belgium</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>France</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Germany</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Italy</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Luxembourg</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Netherlands</p> </block> </li> </ol>
: OrganizationThe org element tags the name of any organization, such as a government, department, ministry, corporation, charity, or club. In addition to plain text, this element may contain a special, empty orgid subelement that uses the idsrc and value attributes to provide a machine-readable identifier for the organization:
<p><org>Nortel Networks <orgid idsrc="" value="NYSE:NT"></org> saw its stock fall in the face of the Brazilian devaluation.</p>
(#PCDATA | orgid)*
The org element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, distributor, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Organization identifierThe orgid element contains a unique identifier for an organization. See org for an example.
The idsrc attribute identifies the source, or namespace,
of the unique identifier. The value of this attribute should be a
URI, such as
Default: #REQUIRED
The value attribute provides the unique identifier for an organization.
Default: #REQUIRED
: ParagraphThe p element contains a regular paragraph of text:
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: PersonThe person element tags the name of a human individual (real or imaginary) in the text:
<p><person>Santa Claus</person> is coming to town.</p>
In addition to plain text, person allows the special subelements name.given and, in addition to the general inline element function, for more specific tagging if desired:
<p><person><function>Prime Minister</function> <name.given>Tony</name.given> <>Blair</></person> will meet with the other <org>EU</org> leaders to discuss agricultural policy.</p>
(#PCDATA | name.given | | function)*
The person element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Preformatted textThe pre element contains preformatted text, which will have its spacing and lineation preserved and will always be rendered in a monospaced font. There are two main uses for preformatted text in a news story:
To obtain better rendering and searching results, it is best to avoid the second situation and to use a proper table whenever possible.
<pre> sub hello { print "Hello, world!\n"; } </pre>
: PronounciationThe pronounce element contains the pronunciation of a word or phrase as a guide to someone reading the news story out loud:
<p>The cruise left from <location>Gananoque<location> <pronounce phonetic="ga-na-NAH-kway"/> and proceded through the <location>Thousand Islands</location>.</p>
The guide attribute contains instructions on how to pronounce a word or phrase.
Default: #IMPLIED
The phonetic attribute provides an informal phonetic spelling for a word or phrase.
Default: #IMPLIED
The pronounce element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Quoted phraseThe q element contains a direct quotation (from HTML). You should use this element type instead of entering quotation marks directly:
<p><q>I'm ready to try again,</q> she said.</p>
The q element type may be nested for quotations within quotations:
<p><q>He yelled <q>Put up your hands!</q> and then pointed his gun at me,</q> the victim told reporters.</p>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
The q element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th
: Geographical regionThe region element distinguishes a geographical region within a location element.
: SeriesThe series element indicates that the news story is part of a larger series:
<series"Investing for your future" series.part="3" series.totalpart="5"/>
This information could be rendered as Investing Your Future, Part 3 of 5.
The attribute contains the name of the series in which the news story appears.
Default: #IMPLIED
The series.part attribute contains the story's position in the series.
Default: "0"
The series.totalpart attribute contains the total number of parts in the story.
Default: "0"
: Geographical stateThe state element tags a state, province, or other administrative region within a location element.
: Story dateThe element provides the date of the story within a dateline.
: Subscript phraseThe sub element allows subscript text within a num element.
: Geographical sublocationThe sublocation element tags a sublocation in a location element other than a city, region, or administrative district.
: Superscript phraseThe sup element contains superscript text within a num element.
: TableThe table element contains tabular information within a block element:
<table> <caption>North American Capitals</caption> <thead> <tr> <th>Country</th> <th>Capital</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mexico</td> <td>Mexico City</td> </tr> <tr> <td>United States</td> <td>Washington</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Canada</td> <td>Ottawa</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
: Story tag lineThis element contains the tag line for a news story, with an editorial or other comment:
<tagline> <p>With contributions from our Taipei correspondent.</p> </tagline>
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q)*
: Table bodyThe tbody element contains the main body of the table. See table for an example.
The align attribute contains the horizontal alignment of the contents of all the cells in the body (unless overridden by the align attribute on an individual row or cell).
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute contains the vertical alignment of the contents of all the cells in the body (unless overridden by the valign attribute on an individual row or cell).
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Table data cell
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q | p | ol | ul | dl | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | img | audio | video)*
The rowspan attribute contains the number of table rows spanned by the cell (1 by default).
Default: "1"
The colspan attribute contains the number of table columns spanned by the cell (1 by default).
Default: "1"
The align attribute contains the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell, overriding any value given for the row or higher container.
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute contains the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell, overriding any value given for the row or a higher container.
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Table footerThe tfoot element contains the optional footer for a table. The footer contains rows that should be repeated at the bottom if a table is split over multiple pages.
The align attribute provides a default horizontal alignment for the contents of the table cells in the footer; the value may be overridden by the individual cells or rows within the footer.
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute provides a default vertical alignment for the contents of the table cells in the footer; the value may be overridden by individual cells or rows within the footer.
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Table heading cellThe th element represents a table cell that serves as a heading for a row or column. See also td.
(#PCDATA | chron | copyrite | event | function | location | money | num | object.title | org | person | virtloc | a | br | em | lang | pronounce | q | p | ol | ul | dl | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4)*
The rowspan attribute contains the number of table rows spanned by the cell (1 by default).
Default: "1"
The colspan attribute contains the number of table columns spanned by the cell (1 by default).
Default: "1"
The align attribute contains the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell, overriding any value given for the row or higher container.
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute contains the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell, overriding any value given for the row or a higher container.
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Table headerThe thead element contains the optional header for a table. The header contains rows that should be repeated at the top if a table is split over multiple pages.
The align attribute provides a default horizontal alignment for the contents of the table cells in the header; the value may be overridden by the individual cells or rows within the header.
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute provides a default vertical alignment for the contents of the table cells in the header; the value may be overridden by individual cells or rows within the header.
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Document titleThe title element contains a plain text title for the document: the title is often related to the headline (see hedline), but may contain extra information such as a date or provider name. Typically, this title will be used for window titles, selection menus, et cetera:
<head> <title>Tuesday: Snowstorm buries Midwest</title> </head>
: Table rowThe tr element contains a row of cells in a table:
<tr> <th>Gold</th> <td>+<num>1<frac><numer>3</numer><denom>8</denom></frac></num></td> </tr>
The align attribute contains the horizontal alignment of the contents of all the cells in the row (unless overridden by the align attribute on an individual cell).
Type: (left | center | right | justify)
Default: #IMPLIED
The valign attribute contains the vertical alignment of the contents of all the cells in the row (unless overridden by the valign attribute on an individual cell).
Type: (top | middle | bottom | baseline)
Default: #IMPLIED
: Unordered listThe ul element contains an unordered list (see also ol:
<ul> <lh>Investments</lh> <li> <block> <p>Stocks</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Bonds</p> </block> </li> <li> <block> <p>Commodities</p> </block> </li> </ul>
: Video clipThe video element allows authors to include an video clip in a news story:
<video src="" length="00:02:39"> <video.caption> <caption><person>Ace Freelance</person> reports on the flooding.</caption> </video.caption> <video.producer> <byline> <bytag>ACME News</bytag> </byline> </video.producer> < copyright="Copyright (c) 1998 by ACME News"/> </video>
(video.caption?, video.producer?,
The src attribute provides the URL of the file containing the video clip.
Default: #REQUIRED
The length attribute provides the playing time of the video clip in HH:MM:SS format.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Video clip captionThe video.caption element provides an optional caption for a video clip. See audio for an example.
: Video clip dataThe element uses its copyright attribute to provide a copyright statement for the video clip.
The copyright statement for the audio clip.
Default: #IMPLIED
: Video clip producerThe video.producer element provides an optional producer credit for the video clip using one or more byline subelements. See video for an example.
: Virtual locationThe virtloc element tags a virtual location (such as a domain name, URL, or e-mail address) in the text:
<p>The White House encourages e-mail at <virtloc></virtloc>.</p>
The virtloc element is allowed in the following parent element(s):
a, caption, credit, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, hl1, hl2, lh, p, q, tagline, td, th