29000 Message 29002 Help 29003 Cancel 29004 OK 29005 Error loading image 29006 Help file not specified. Contact script developer for an updated script file. 29007 Corel SCRIPT 29008 All Files (*.*)|*.* 29009 "%s" 29010 \n 29011 Script Error 29012 Could not load DLL "%s". 29013 Could not find DLL procedure "%s". 29014 Run-time error %d\n\n%s 29015 OLE automation error\n(%s) 29016 Undefined runtime error %d 29017 Run-time error %d\nExecution stopped at %s(%ld)\n\n%s 29018 Run Corel Add-on 29019 This command will stop the script execution. 29502 CorelSCRIPT 30001 Warning: 30002 Error: 30003 Fatal error: 30050 %s(%d) %s %s \n 30051 %s %s \n 30052 %lu error(s), %lu warning(s). \n 30053 Maximum number of errors has been reached. \n 30054 Error! 30055 Could not read or write to file. 30100 %s is missing a parameter. 30101 Bad space for precompiler scanner. 30102 No space for precompiler scanner. 30103 Precompiler stack overflow. 30104 Precompiler syntax error at symbol "%s". 30105 Parameter has missing or invalid quotes. 30106 Could not open file "%s". 30107 Too many parameters specified. 30108 Inclusion within inclusion of file "%s". 30109 Unrecognized character <%c> 30110 Bad space for scanner. 30111 No space for scanner. 30112 Stack overflow. 30113 Syntax error at symbol "%s". 30114 Redefinition of label "%s". 30115 "%d" is an invalid label number. 30116 "%s" is an invalid label. 30117 Invalid named-unnamed parameter mix. 30118 Type mismatch. 30119 FOR, NEXT control variable mismatch. 30120 Missing parameter. 30121 Invalid return type. 30122 Invalid procedure name. 30123 Invalid number of parameters. 30124 Parameter type mismatch. 30125 Procedure not defined in proper location. 30126 Invalid parameter 30127 Could not resolve label. 30128 Function return value not used in proper location. 30129 ALIAS specified without LIB. 30130 VARIANT type not allowed in DLL declaration. 30131 VARIANT type not allowed for CONST. 30132 Invalid initial data type for STATIC variable. 30133 EXIT %s outside of %s. 30134 EXIT outside of loop and procedure definition. 30135 Type declaration character does not match declared type. 30136 Syntax error at end of line. 30137 Precompiler syntax error at end of line. 30138 Could not load resource file. 30139 Invalid precompiler command. 30200 CLOSEDIALOG 30201 SETTEXT 30202 GETTEXT 30203 SETIMAGE 30204 GETIMAGE 30205 SETVALUE 30206 GETVALUE 30207 SETRANGE 30208 GETRANGE 30209 SETINC 30210 GETINC 30211 STEP 30212 SETARRAY 30213 ENABLE 30214 SETSEL 30215 GETSEL 30216 RESET 30217 SET3STATE 30218 SETDMODE 30219 SETHELPPATH 30220 GETHELPPATH 30221 SETHELPINDEX 30222 GETHELPINDEX 30223 SETPRECISION 30224 GETPRECISION 30225 MOVE 30226 SETSTYLE 30227 GETSTYLE 30228 GETPOS 30229 SETTIMER 30230 GETTIMER 30231 Declared sub "%s" not defined. 30232 Declared function "%s" not defined. 30233 Label "%s" not defined. 30234 Line Number %ld not defined. 30235 FOR statement without NEXT. 30236 IF statement without END IF. 30237 ELSE IF statement without END IF. 30238 ELSE statement without END IF. 30239 DO statement without LOOP. 30240 DO WHILE statement without LOOP. 30241 DO UNTIL statement without LOOP. 30242 WHILE statement without WEND. 30243 SELECT statement without END SELECT. 30244 %s "%s" does not support dialog function "%s". 30245 %s or %s not specified. 30246 Dialog 30247 Dialog control 30248 WITH statement without END WITH. 30249 WITHOBJECT statement without END WITHOBJECT. 30250 NEXT statement without FOR. 30251 WEND statement without WHILE. 30252 ELSEIF statement without IF. 30253 ELSE statement without IF. 30254 END IF statement without IF. 30255 LOOP statement without DO. 30256 LOOP WHILE statement without DO. 30257 LOOP UNTIL statement without DO. 30258 CASE statement without SELECT. 30259 CASE ELSE statement without SELECT. 30260 END SELECT statement without SELECT. 30261 SETVISIBLE 30262 GETITEM 30263 GETITEMCOUNT 30264 ADDITEM 30265 REMOVEITEM 30266 End procedure command outside of procedure. 30267 Illegal termination of WITH statement. 30268 END WITHOBJECT statement without WITHOBJECT. 30269 Procedure "%s" already defined. 30270 GETID 30271 Division by 0. 30272 Out of memory. 30273 Overflow. 30274 Operation error. 30275 CONST has no explicit type; type %s assumed. 30276 Implicit declaration not allowed. 30277 Undefined operator for specified type. 30278 GETTOPPOSITION 30279 GETLEFTPOSITION 30280 GETWIDTH 30281 GETHEIGHT 30282 GETBITMAPWIDTH 30283 GETBITMAPHEIGHT 30284 SETBITMAPOFFSET 30285 Dialog "%s" was defined using local variables in another procedure. 30286 SETTICK 30287 GETTICK 30288 Option group not specified for OPTIONBUTTON. 30500 BOOLEAN 30501 INTEGER 30502 LONG 30503 SINGLE 30504 DOUBLE 30505 DATE 30506 CURRENCY 30507 STRING 30508 VARIANT 31000 Internal Error. 31001 Symbol "%s" not defined. 32001 Unknown error\n(Internal calculation has failed) 32002 Unrecoverable error\n(Invalid state was detected) 32050 Division by 0\n(Calculation requested a division by 0) 32051 Type mismatch\n(Operator is not of the required type) 32052 Out of memory\n(Could not allocate enough memory for the operation) 32053 Overflow\n(Operation caused operator to overflow) 32054 Invalid array index\n(Specified array index is out of range) 32055 Invalid array dimension\n(Number of dimension specified does not match array specification) 32056 Resume without error\n(Resume was encountered when no error was active) 32057 Out of resource\n(Could not allocate enough resource to complete the operation) 32058 Stack Overflow\n(Could not allocate enough stack space for the operation) 32059 RETURN without GOSUB\n(RETURN does not have a matching GOSUB) 32200 Invalid file number\n(No file was opened with the specified index\nor file index is out of range) 32201 Unable to open file\n(Could not open specified file) 32203 Error writing to file\n(Could not write to file) 32204 Error reading file\n(Could not read file) 32205 Invalid file position\n(File index outside file range was requested) 32206 Can not close file\n(Close file operation has failed) 32302 Command failed\n(Command execution did not succeed) 32303 Object not initialized\n(Object not initialized through WITHOBJECT statement) 32305 Undefined parameter option\n(Parameter value is an invalid option for the command) 32350 Error in dialog\n(Error has occured in a dialog call) 32352 Instance duplication\n(Tried to run more than one instance\nof the same dialog at the same time) 32353 Event Handler Function\n(Function cannot be used outside of event handler SUB) 32600 OLE automation error\n(Error executing OLE automation call) 32601 Invalid number of parameters\n(Invalid number of parameters was specified in OLE automation call) 32602 Bad variable type\n(Invalid variable type was passed in OLE automation call) 32603 Object does not support this procedure\n(OLE object does not support specified procedure) 32604 Object does not support named arguments\n(Specified application does not support named arguments) 32605 Value out of range\n(Invalid range for value in OLE automation call) 32606 Invalid parameter name\n(Invalid named parameter for OLE automation call) 32607 Argument type mismatch\n(OLE automation call argument is of wrong type) 32608 Unknown interface\n(The object does not support OLE automation) 32609 Unknown language\n(Unable to recognize international language\nof the OLE automation procedure) 32610 Unspecified parameter is not optional\n(Required parameter was not specified in OLE automation call) 32611 Could not create object\n(Could not create specified OLE automation object)