7000 Address Book Configurations 7001 The method succeeded. 8000 An unknown error occured. 8001 An unexpected error occured. Reasons for the failure are unknown. 8002 Failed to allocate a object. Not enough resources. 8003 An invalid argument was supplied as a parameter in a method call. 8004 The requested interface is not supported by this object. 8005 The requested interface is not supported by this object. 8006 An WRITE operation was requested on a READ-ONLY object. 8007 The provider is currently busy and cannot fulfill the request, try later. 8008 The method invoked or the flags specified are not supported in the current implementation of the provider. 8009 The object requested was not found. 8010 Unknown flags passed in to method. Check the versions of MAPI/WMS and the provider. 8011 Version mismatch in the provider and its resources or the messaging subsystem. 8012 The entry ID passed in does refer a valid object in this address book, or the entry ID structure is not valid. 8013 The user cancel a task or request in progress. 8014 A local disk operation failed (Access Denied, File not found, or Read failed). 8015 The data base file contains corrupted data (or in an invalid format for this version of the provider). 8016 A call was made to a method with an unsupported size of character. 8017 The provider needed internal that is not available or is no longer valid. Re-install the provider into the profile. 8018 A client tried to set the value of a property which is computed by the address book. 8020 The object is not accessible because it was closed during SaveChanges(). 8021 The entry ID passed doesn't match this provider. 8022 A table operation tried to position the cursor outside the table. 8023 One or more entries could not be copied or deleted. 8029 Call succeeded overall, but some errors were returned. 8030 Dr. 8031 Miss 8032 Mr. 8033 Mrs 8034 Ms. 8035 Prof. 8039 I 8040 II 8041 III 8042 Jr. 8043 Sr. 8044 Person 8045 Resource 8046 Organization 8047 New Group 8048 &Members 8049 Group 8050 Container 8051 &Just in this Container 8052 &Just in this Group 8053 Edit New Container Members 8054 Edit New Group Members